How did you decide to start a business?

We reached out to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and asked them to think back and tell us about how they decided to start a business. Check out their responses below.
To be honest, going full time freelance and working for myself was something I always wanted to do, it was always the plan, but inevitably a mental roadblock or some sort of excuse always seemed to diverted those plans. Cold feet, insurance, the security blanket of W-2 work, whatever it was there was an excuse. Read more>>
I started Palmetto Clean Performance simply because I saw its need in the market and how that need was not being met. This service has the potential to save fleet operators over a million dollars per year, and no one in the area is offering it. I saw the opportunity to be profitable while helping others maximize their profits while lower the amount of pollution in the air. Read more>>
Prior to becoming a residential builder, I was a home inspector for 9 years. During the course of that career, my job was to locate problems and issues in a home. I wanted to be able to not only locate the problems, but fix them as well and provide value to the homeowner. I am a fourth generation builder and it’s in my blood. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do. It’s my passion and I have joy in helping renovate and build homes for families. Homes that will take care of them and provide family memories for years to come. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my own business was beginning to execute the ideas that they had been sitting on for a while. I first thought about the pros and cons that I saw my parents go through with everyday living growing up and I knew that since Iam a mother of a lovely 10 year old I had to implicate that as well with the ideas that I had. Although my mother and father did it together I knew I would have to do it alone so I had to come up with a business plan and strategy to make sure that it would work for us Read more>>
I’ve always been interested in the beauty as a young girl. When I first found lashing, I loved being able to make others feel good about themselves. Such a small change to our eyes and yet it makes such a big difference in how we feel. I originally worked in a lash studio in Boston but when my family and I moved to Greenville, there was a lack of lash businesses. I was shocked! Not being able to find a salon to offer my lashing services, I decided to take a leap of faith and opened up my own business to continue doing what I love. Read more>>
Starting my own handmade retail business was one of those things that I always wanted to do but didn’t think I actually could do. Ever since I can remember I was always a very creative person. I explored different media and artforms from painting to sewing, knitting, and photography. In 2019, right before the pandemic, I had become interested in powertools and fixing up my rental townhouse with some renter friendly DIY projects on my knots.and.pots.home instagram page. I had gained a following and used that as my creative outlet while spending a lot of time in our rental home and just wanting to make it look nice. Read more>>
I wanted to encourage people to ask others and themselves “How Are You?” more often. The key is to make sure you force an honest answer. We use this question as a greeting when really it is a mental health check in that most of us NEED. Read more>>
I have worn many hats in my working lifetime. Most of them have had something to do with helping, teaching, or providing a service for the community. When I chose early retirement from my education career I went back to school to pursue a certificate program in ceramics, an art form that I have long loved and collected. After finishing a clay certificate program at Piedmont Technical College, I set up my own studio space at home and began a satisfying career as a studio potter, selling my work locally, regionally and in the Northeast. Read more>>
To spark positive change in the world around me and to never feel like work is a pointless dead end with no growth opportunities. The world we live in is full of choices and I wanted to make sure that I had the ability to make the world a more loving and happy place with any decisions I make. Read more>>
My creative side was apparent at a very young age, and it has always brought me the most happiness. I like to think I am sharing something I am passionate about with others, through my business. Read more>>