We had the good fortune of connecting with Christian Broadbent and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Christian, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
To be honest, going full time freelance and working for myself was something I always wanted to do, it was always the plan, but inevitably a mental roadblock or some sort of excuse always seemed to diverted those plans. Cold feet, insurance, the security blanket of W-2 work, whatever it was there was an excuse.

But finally, at one point, the universe stepped in and made the decision for me. I was “let go” from my last full time gig and there it was, that decision to finally start my own thing, staring me in the face.

It was a smooth transition really. I had contacts, referrals, the support of friends and colleagues. I’ve worked at design agencies and different product companies throughout my career. I’ve had the absolute pleasure to work with so many great people, creative directors, project managers, designers and developers. I built up a fairly decent portfolio, gained valuable experience in the agency world and learned so much from those around me.

So at the end of the day you could call it a process, but putting in my time, creating the best work possible, earning trust and gaining experience is what inevitably lead me to working for myself.

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Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’ve been in the design field for over 20 years, ever since I graduated from the Academy of Art College in San Francisco back in 2001. I think my experience is what sets me apart. But also the willingness to learn from those around you, being open to feedback and positive criticism. I’ve been apart of projects that have been super successful, but also some projects that have missed the mark in one way or another, the support you surround yourself with both professionally and personally is what sets you up to keep moving forward and being better.

I’ve had the invaluable opportunity to work with some great design agencies, collaborating with major brands in the industry such as Adobe, Google, and Starbucks. Also worked with smaller shops, startups, and local companies. All of which has lead to the path I’m on today. Couldn’t be more thankful.

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If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
First place I would hit are the beaches in the Charleston area (Beachwalker and Folly being my favorites). I’ve gotten into paddle boarding since moving here so any chance to get out on the water would be my suggestion. Exploring all the tidal creeks and rivers on a board or kayak is an awesome experience.

Eating some fresh, local oysters at Bowens Island Restaurant overlooking the marsh and watching the fisherman bring in their haul is one of my go to’s. Having some local fish at Ellis Creek Fish Camp is another favorite spot to visit. And of course venturing into Charleston is a must. You can spend days getting lost in the city, navigating historic cobble stone streets, getting a drink at any of the numerous bars and restaurants in town, visiting the churches who’s steeples dominate the cities skyline, all the while being surrounded by all the history Charleston has to offer.

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Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are so many people I’ve worked with along the way who gave me a chance, received referrals from, collaborated with and continued support. All my clients past and present that put their trust in me with their design needs. A long list with so many deserved callouts.

My mom was my earliest and loudest cheerleader. As a kid I always knew I wanted art, in some form or fashion, to be part of my career, and her support was always unwavering and precious.

My wife Karine is, and has always been my rock. When the decision was made to jump into freelancing she was there to support 1000%. And I credit her for helping me keep a healthy work/life balance, getting me up from my computer from time to time to enjoy the outdoors.

Website: https://www.madetrue.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christianoart/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianbroadbent/

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