What drives your success?

Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.
Being in tune with local trends and product trends. We strive to have a balance of what our locals and regulars want as well as new and interesting products that can attract new customers. Combine that with a fun relaxed atmosphere and you usually have a recipe for success. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my brand which at its core is me and my artistry, is definitely creating and growing organically. Making connections because I love what I do, not to collect social media followers. I feel that by putting in 100% from the get go like you are getting a paycheck when you’re not, is the difference between people that will succeed and people that won’t. Keep creating and others will catch on eventually and in the meantime, the work, the art or craft will grow organically into a more presentable and polished package so when people do come around it will be in its best form. Read more>>
When I think of this question it is really quite simple to me and that is to truly have a heart of service for people. I started my business without a marketing plan 9 years ago and in fact I have never spent a dollar on advertisements or marketing. There is a quote I wrote and I say it often, I believe the way you make a person feel, can change everything.” I truly believe deep in my soul that operating daily in a spirit of excellence and doing the work beyond the chair by simply caring for people still matters even in business. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of MountainCresties is in how I respond everyone who reaches out to me. I decided early on that I was going to give every question my all and yes, this has lead to me spending hours answering questions for people who had no intention of purchasing a gecko from me. Read more>>