We had the good fortune of connecting with Kelly Silveria and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kelly, what do you attribute your success to?
The most important factor behind my brand which at its core is me and my artistry, is definitely creating and growing organically. Making connections because I love what I do, not to collect social media followers. I feel that by putting in 100% from the get go like you are getting a paycheck when you’re not, is the difference between people that will succeed and people that won’t. Keep creating and others will catch on eventually and in the meantime, the work, the art or craft will grow organically into a more presentable and polished package so when people do come around it will be in its best form.

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Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I have been an artist from day 1, so I have always been observing, which I think is a big part of art in general. Observing the actual color of a shadow, not just the grey you’ve been told it is. Throughout the years the mediums I have chosen have changed with what fit my life and interests at the time. I have a B.F.A in Fine Arts specifically Interior Design. I have had photographs in galleries all along the East coast, and I paint when I’m in the mood. Lately I have been most interested in repurposing items to create new things like beautiful wind chimes. And of course, my current medium is makeup. I found a love for makeup during Covid. The artistry that goes into the entire sphere is awe-inspiring. There are makeup artists and people who photograph product, create packaging, creat branding etc and I love to be a part of all of that. I find that unlike fashion, makeup has a commonality underlying it. We all have a face and can create from the ever changing canvas (which also keeps my attention because it’s never the same day in and day out). The struggle to make any type of art a career has always been a struggle but when you are born to be enthralled with art, there aren’t any other options.

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If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’d take them though the College of Charleston campus where my journey began, to the Irish memorial on Charlotte St., take them on the Dark Side of Charleston Tour by Bulldog Tours, take them out kayaking with Coastal Expeditions to see the sun set over Charleston, I’d take them to Cru Cafe which is in my opinion the most underrated amazing cuisine in the city, I’d take them to James Island County park to the dog park on the beach specifically where you can play with dogs and see the city from the water and a quaint little beach. The list goes on and on, Charleston is truly my first love. I don’t even know how you can love a place so much, unless you’ve lived in Charleston.

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Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The people that deserve a shoutout in my story are 100% the beauty community on Instagram. You would think it would be the cattiest place on earth full of fake friends but the people I’ve connected with have taken the time to connect, encourage, and inspire me. People like Daria of @avarietyofdistractions who exudes talent and beauty and is a wonderful friend, Aleisha of @budget.beauty0805 who is so kind and hardworking, Lea of lea_evangelista who is one of the most creative people I’ve seen who takes time to create prompts for others to feel creative too and @noopour_makeup, @seekingshifts, Vidya of @alittlebitofgoldglitter, Mindy of @mindylostinpigment1, etc. There are so many women that have honestly revived my belief in friendship and/or inspired me by the amount of hard work and creativity they bring to the table every single day.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highlyhazel?igsh=MTU3OXpkNmM3b2V5Mg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

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Image Credits
Kelly Silveria

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.