We had the good fortune of connecting with Kendra Lashay and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kendra, what do you attribute your success to?
When I think of this question it is really quite simple to me and that is to truly have a heart of service for people. I started my business without a marketing plan 9 years ago and in fact I have never spent a dollar on advertisements or marketing. There is a quote I wrote and I say it often, I believe the way you make a person feel, can change everything.” I truly believe deep in my soul that operating daily in a spirit of excellence and doing the work beyond the chair by simply caring for people still matters even in business. Authenticity, professionalism and talent consistently has sustained my business for sure but the heart for service that I have for each guest is life changing for them and that is the success behind my brand.

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Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
It was definitely hard coming here from NC and not knowing anyone to soon have to then leave a corporate job that I had worked blood sweat and tears into only to find out I was being under paid and could have easily without question filed a lawsuit for discrimination. I signed up for hair school instead and pursued a childhood dream. God had given me this vision years ago when I was a child that I would own my own business but I didn’t know all the details so I stepped out on faith and decided to quit my job. I moved and told my 3 kids that at the same time I would also be filing for divorce. My kids hated me and I almost literally lost everything for a dream only I could see. After school, I was not welcomed with open arms in this male dominated industry in fact I was completely shut out and almost made a mockery of. I knew right then I had to be the absolute best and at the top of my game so it was game time for me. I went all over the states for supplemental barber training to enhance my skills and I wanted to truly diversify myself. I learned everything you could imagine about cutting hair and every type of hair. From how to cut curly hair, mixed hair, hair with horrible cowlicks and everything in between. I learned to master the hard stuff because this is what came to me over and over client after client and I saw an opportunity to meet a need that wasn’t being met. I always set a foundation, a standard if you want to say early on for excellence and I did not settle for anything less. I would like the world to know that good people still exist in this world and that businesses can truly operate with integrity and be diversified and successful at doing so. Caring about people and doing the right thing will always be the right thing even in the world we live in today. One thing I would like the world to know about me is my heart. I have sown so much and given back to my community that it has opened doors I haven’t even walked through yet and I am where I am today because of it. I am excited that God is not finished with me yet and the more I’m blessed with the more I get to give back. I am most proud that we still carry a 5.0 google rating after almost a decade in business and also this year we are highly anticipating to bring home number one in the best of the upstate for best barbershop. One lesson I’ve learned along the way is to never short change yourself. People will pay your price you just gotta be worth it.

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Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I must say that I am truly not your hangout person I can be found attending women empowerment events, business planning or doing work on personal development. I love to learn, listen to music and pour into other women. If I take you anywhere we would be going to the gym because I spend a lot of time there.You will never find me on the scene although we have an incredible downtown area with much to offer. I am a world traveler that enjoys experiences so that’s where I spend my free time. Here in town you can catch me at Halls Chophouse it is my favorite restaurant and I love juniper for brunch after church on Sundays. I think Unity Park downtown is a very dope park and worth checking out.

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The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would like to honor my heavenly father because without my Lord and Savior nothing would be possible. I would also like to shout out my first year business mentor Jermaine Eric Whiteside because he so openly and eagerly believed in not only me but in every dream I ever painted for him. He helped me tremendously with structuring my business and getting initial things for my LLC set up that I knew nothing about. He has been my dearest friend since the beginning of this journey and he himself is also a very successful entrepreneur.

Website: https://www.kendralashay.co

Instagram: officialkendralashay

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Image Credits
profile picture done by photographer Lance Andrews.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.