Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
One thing about GraciousHands is that we offer free childcare for women when they are working. We also take children up until the age of 18 Read more>>
Our end goal at WarriorWOD is to provide as many veterans as possible with the recovery resources they need to overcome the struggles of post-traumatic stress (PTS). PTS is the root cause of many veterans’ struggles, including substance abuse and suicide. Every day, we lose over 20 veterans to suicide and an equal number to substance abuse-related deaths, such as kidney failure, liver failure, and overdose. This is a crisis that demands urgent and comprehensive intervention. Read more>>
I am half Filipino, half American, born and raised on the beautiful island of Guam! It is a U.S. territory situated in the Micronesia region and is truly the definition of paradise. Guam’s culture is a warm and inviting way of living with a heavy emphasis on respect, hospitality, family, and community. Being immersed in a value driven culture most of my life has instilled in me the morals and principles that I continue to live by today and use as the foundation of my upcoming restaurant. Read more>>
I am a child of a military father. My father was in the navy on a submarine, which means we moved to different states many times. I was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii. The constant relocation and transitions enabled a different kind of flexibility in my life. I learned and experienced many different people and their cultures. The military housing was like a rainbow family of many colors. Now that I am older, I see how no experience is waisted in our lives. The constant moving prepared me for itinerate speaking and ministry to all races of people. Read more>>
I’ve always loved being creative. Growing up I did lots of crafts(hello early 90’s with all the puffy paint projects and friendly plastic) and I always moved the furniture around in my room. At one point I wanted to be an interior designer. Even now, my favorite hobby is a creative one. I love to cross stitch. When I was 14 I took cake decorating lessons at the craft store with my mom. It was something fun for us to do together, but my mom ended up not enjoying it while I loved it! That is where I learned about a local vocational high school and making cake decorating a career. Read more>>
I would say it started when I was a child. I was around music and musicians. It was going on sub consciously in my mind. I started off playing baseball as a kid then one day I went to a Garth Brooks concert, at that moment I knew exactly what i wanted to do. I got a guitar and taught myself to play. Once I really dove into it I started loving all avenues from the playing end to recording it. There’s just something about music that runs through your veins. It’s so addictive yet satisfying. Imagine a world where there’s no music playing. How boring would that be! Read more>>
“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
― Alan Watts this quotes so profound to me becuase it speaks volumes when it comes to finding your purpose and fulfilling a meaningful mission. If your un aware of alan watts go check out some of his lectures on youtube! Read more>>
“WALK BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT” I am a firm believer of “Walk By Faith Not By Sight”, just because the vision from where you are standing isn’t clear doesn’t mean that the walk or journey that you take is going to be difficult. You have to keep going and have faith. Read more>>
Risk Management is something every business should have a plan for. Mitigating risks, know what can go wrong and the ways to navigate those stressful times are very important. So when I think about risk, I thought about all angles and consider as many different scenarios as possible. Taking risks has placed me in a position to create a fantastic life that revolves around food, cooking and providing excellent dishes to so many different people. From professional athletes to large wedding parties, believing in myself and taking a chance has always benefited me. Read more>>
I believe it is extremely important that you understand life will always have risk. But typically you must know how to make calculated risk while simultaneously understanding that sometimes big risk brings big rewards. Take that big risk! But have a backup plan for if things don’t go your way! That’s what I do Read more>>
The whole goal behind my business is to bring encouragement & joy to women who may feel overlooked or alone in their motherhood journey. I aim to create community and conversation around their struggles; and that is exactly what I would want to be known for – showing kindness, choosing joy, and spreading confidence. Motherhood is hard; and while I think that the hard parts are talked about more now than in years past, I know from experience that it isn’t talked about enough. Read more>>
For me, the main thing is to keep learning and refining my craft. It’s essential for businesses like mine to always strive for improvement, especially when I’m constantly creating new designs and concepts with each piece. Trying out new techniques not only helps me work more efficiently but also keeps my creativity alive, which is crucial for Lil Tufts to stay innovative and stay on top of current trends. This dedication isn’t just about making my work better and more beautiful—it’s also about building stronger connections with customers who value creativity, craftsmanship, and my brand’s ongoing artistic growth. Read more>>
Our family has 4 core values posted up on our refrigerator: integrity, respect, responsibility and citizenship. While we initially compiled this list with our kids in mind, I find myself regularly looking at any given situation, personal or professional, through the lens of our core vales. Read more>>