Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I absolutely love being a mom. It’s difficult to pinpoint a specific thing, but being consistent with my son has always been important. That includes being consistent in showing him love, respect, support, and guidance. I’ve always prioritized an active and interested role in his life, and his confidence really reflects that. It’s easy to get distracted in our current environment, but parenting is always worth the effort. Read more>>
Risk is often a word that is mentioned with a negative connotation. However, I believe risk is a necessary ingredient for success. Risk is also a demonstration of faith. Calculated risk can render great results and pay great dividends. Many individuals have become wealthy by taking calculated risk in their industries and fields of business. People in the investment world know that big returns only happen with some of the riskiest investments. Read more>>
I would say that the most important factor behind the success of Tweedle Beedle would be the team that supports us. This team consists of many different people. My husband being the biggest support, has always been supportive of my goals and dreams. He helps in many aspects of the business and our family to keep it running smoothly behind the scenes. Our team members in the store are also a huge support in our success. In the past almost 3 years I have been lucky enough to have had two really amazing employees. Read more>>
When I first started out I drew everything traditionally on paper with pencil and pen and brush. Over time I found that I was doing more and more work at my computer and spending much less time at my drafting table. These days I work 100% as a digital artist that creates everything using creative software. I’ve found that there’s an assumption, even among traditional fine artists, that digital art means the computer does a lot of the work for you. (Unfortunately now that A.i “art” has sprung up that misunderstanding is even more widespread.) Read more>>
I was born in Chicago, but I don’t remember much about it because I was too young. My elementary school years were spent in Charlotte, but Charleston is where I truly grew up and have my roots. By the time I got to Hanahan High School, I had already changed schools seven times. Moving around so much was tough, especially since I was an only child with a single mom. It always felt like I was the new kid, constantly starting over and trying to find my place. Read more>>
I am a performance artist and painter, interested in diverse intellectual pursuits. In my performances, I use painting, drawing, video, sound, music, rituals, actions, theatrics, satire, sincerity, and language. I create layered spaces that confuse and delight the audience with things that are familiar and childlike, while I encourage them to look closer. I believe you can speak to the deepest longings of the soul by creating a safe, funny, colorful place and let the audience join you. When they are petting baby bunnies, or watching me bob for apples, or observing me draw a video of a tree on fire, or seeing a video of me birthing a stillborn stuffed animal tiger, the audience can take these images in and sit with them, reflect on them, and have empathy and compassion. Read more>>
I am a stay at home mom who homeschools 2 elementary aged children. I am actively involved in both our homeschool co-op and my local small house church. Starting a home based bakery on top of those other roles and responsibilities had been a dream of mine for a while, but it takes some creativity and a lot of flexibility to make it work! When I first began my baking business I had a Kindergartener and a baby, so my mornings were dedicated to school and play time. My afternoons and evenings were for baking and other projects during naps and after bed time. Read more>>
Work Life Balance, is there such a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be showing up fully in all facets of our lives? Am I the same person at the yoga as I am at work or in my personal life? A common definition of work-life balance is “equal time or priority to personal and professional activities.” according to (July 2022). Equal time or priority to both personal and professional activities sounds like a dream, right? What if we found a way to make our personal and professional interests align? And that is exactly what I intended to do. Read more>>
I like this quote because it is straight forward. What it means to me is that whatever in life you are doing and if it doesn’t take you out of your comfort zone or if you aren’t learning anything from it then there will be no growth. Whether that is mentally, physically, emotionally, or financially. The obstacles we embrace molds us into the people we need to become in the specific journey we choose. The challenges of juggling my career and being a mother has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and change me. Read more>>
My favorite quote is by Madam CJ Walker. She said, “Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” Madam CJ Walker was one of the first self-made female millionaires in America. She rose from poverty and built a successful empire in the early 20th century when opportunities for African-American women and other marginalized communities were severely limited. Read more>>
I always return to the combined quotes from our elders, Alice Walker and Ram Dass: “We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we are all just walking each other home.” I find this incredibly empowering in my personal worldview and professional world because it enforces the ideals that we have the assets and resources in our communities to radically care for each other, and to transform institutions towards more just and equitable ways. It also highlights how stories are powerful—allowing us to feel tender, learn, reflect, connect… and build stronger containers. Read more>>
Authenticity and genuinely caring about the people that we help! Dog training and supporting families and their dogs can be surprisingly vulnerable at times so our goal is to always meet people with empathy and kindness as we work towards improving dog behavior. When we meet people with this level of kindness and support, word of mouth recommendations spread like wildfire and we don’t often have to do much active advertising! Read more>>