There is no formula for success, but certain ingredients help

Through our work we have been constantly amazed at the incredible things people in every neighborhood are working on. What’s even more exciting is that they all have different stories, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. That there isn’t a single formula for success means that everyone can take their unique set of strengths and characteristics and turn it into a success story. We recently reached out to some folks we admire and asked them what characteristics they feel are responsible for their success.
Customer service and communication with clients. Read more>>
It’s a bit of a tie between individuality and creativity. Like all artists, I’m always learning and honing my skills, but instead of settling into a creative niche, I prefer to continue branching out. I started out beading, then I taught myself wire wrapping, and later I discovered how fun resin pieces could be. By not limiting myself or my style, I’ve been able to make so many great connections in my community! I can be found anywhere from Renaissance festivals to Punk Flea Markets to hippie events, and there aren’t many artists who can say that. My pieces include something for everyone, which is something I’m very proud of. Read more>>
I serve in two very unique ways in the Upstate of South Carolina—Principal of Wade Hampton High School (Greenville County Schools) and co-founder of BOLD Leadership Network. I will share with you about both of these organizations, but one has to know about my background that led to them. How did I get here? How is this even possible? Where did time go? Am I really a high school principal? What if people really knew my story? These questions often seep into my mind, usually during quiet moments of reflection. Read more>>
I believe the most important factor would be my mindset. More specifically: my “go getter” attitude, my resourcefulness, and I have the “gift of gab”. This mindset has allowed me to overcome any obstacle that stood in my way and gives me the confidence to know that nothing can stop me. The world is yours. Read more>>
It’s people. It’s always been people. I have been surrounded by the best of us, at every stop. I’ve had great leaders, great friends, and mentors. I’ve had great adversaries, that have pushed me to be better, and to lead differently. People have made me. From high school, to college, to that first job at TCU, to my interns at Cincinnati, to the team I’m currently building here at South Carolina, all these amazing souls have my forever gratitude. Without them, I’m not here. Read more>>