We reached out to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and asked them to think back and tell us about how they decided to start a business. Check out their responses below.

Kristina Behrens | Speech language pathologist

I wanted to start a feeding intensive program in south carolina, to help those children that traditional feeding therapy has either not worked or they need something more specialized to meet there needs. Using vitalstim bridges that gap. We are creating new neuropathways and neuroplasticisty that bridges these feeding and swallowing skills. Read more>>

Alisha Giles | Realtor & Real Estate Investor

I was at a point that I was very tired of working for other people and feeling like I was not making much progress financially. I wanted a job that I could feel proud of and something that would allow me to hit my financial goals. After many nights of binge watching HGTV, I landed on Real Estate. Read more>>

Jessica Cattles | Photographer

As cliche as it sounds, becoming a mom changed my entire view on what I wanted from a career. I was working 50+ hours a week in the auto business making great money, but MISERABLE before my son was born. After that I knew I had to make a change. Read more>>

Veronica Johnson | Psychiatric and Family Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP and FNP)

I currently work in psychiatry, and have worked in the medical field for over 30 years. Over this time, I have realized that medicine is becoming more and more about profits and not about people; and with more people being on an antidepressant than ever before, psychiatry is leading this movement. Read more>>

Dr. Chloe Parris | Chiropractor and small business owner

The thought process behind opening my practice was that I wanted to create a space that fostered healing and community. I did not want to be another chiropractor people went to when they were in pain and never again but a chiropractor that shows people the true potential of their bodies.  Read more>>

Mrs. Kiara Streater | **Empowering Trailblazer: Global Influencer, Visionary Philanthropist, and Acclaimed Founder**

Great Question! – Starting my own business was a decision born out of my personal experiences and a desire to empower others. After overcoming my personal adversities and defying the odds, I realized the importance of creating a business that would support, inspire, impact and empower millions all over the world. Read more>>

Maurice Harvey | Mental Health Advocate, Entrepreneur, Therapist (LCSW)

I thought about the flexibility aspect and my ability to meet people where they were. My background thoughts were around the fear of the unkown. In my life experiences I have had limited engagement with business owners. It has been an interesting journey. Read more>>

Kim Rodgers-Clors | Founder of the Jacqueline Rodgers Foundation Inc.

I founded the Jacqueline Rodgers Foundation Inc. to support breast cancer patients who, like my mother, have faced the challenges of this disease. The foundation aims to provide resources, emotional support, and a sense of community for those affected by breast cancer, ensuring they do not have to navigate this journey alone. Read more>>