Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Victoria Baum

After years in the automotive industry, I felt a strong desire for a change – a shift toward something I truly love and where I could excel. Throughout my life, I have always considered myself to be artistic, with a deep passion for interior design that stems from my creative spirit. This passion, combined with my love for transforming spaces, led me to the beautiful world of wallpaper installation. Read more>>

Stephen Darby | Musician & DJ

I chose to pursue a career in music simply because it runs deep in my blood. My great-grandfather was an extremely accomplished classical pianist and organist and my family is very musically inclined as well. As a child, my mother made me sit and practice an hour of piano every day before I could go outside and play. It was miserable. My friends would look in the windows of my house waiting for me to finish so I could come out. That routine my mother forced on me was the single greatest gift I have ever received. In a few short years I became hooked and it led me to becoming an accomplished pianist, affording me a scholarship to play classical piano at the College of Charleston. Though off-topic, I will say that teaching a young mind to embrace music is the best thing you can do for any child. Read more>>

Jennifer Martin | The Artist

Being creative and artistic has always been in my blood. I don’t think I’ve ever had a time in my life when I wasn’t creating something. I have always been involved in the arts. Whether it was theater or painting. It’s a passion within me that has to come out. That’s why I started “Tie Dye Pie”. It was my way of letting my creative side flow through art. Creating my colorful hippie art, gives me such joy to be able to share it with others. It’s completely my therapy! I enjoy vending at all kinds of festivals selling my art. I have meet so many amazing people that way. Read more>>