We had the good fortune of connecting with Stephen Darby and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Stephen, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I chose to pursue a career in music simply because it runs deep in my blood. My great-grandfather was an extremely accomplished classical pianist and organist and my family is very musically inclined as well. As a child, my mother made me sit and practice an hour of piano every day before I could go outside and play. It was miserable. My friends would look in the windows of my house waiting for me to finish so I could come out. That routine my mother forced on me was the single greatest gift I have ever received. In a few short years I became hooked and it led me to becoming an accomplished pianist, affording me a scholarship to play classical piano at the College of Charleston. Though off-topic, I will say that teaching a young mind to embrace music is the best thing you can do for any child.

As I studied music at the collegiate level, I began learning how production and engineering worked. With that came a natural path to DJing. Having the ability to make my own musical creations and play them live was an incredible feeling. It allowed me to turn abstract thoughts and emotions into tangible forms that I could share with others. Seeing people respond to my music was inspiring and the sense of connection I felt with others through this music pushed me to make sure I was able to figure out how to do it for a living.

What should our readers know about your business?
The #1 thing that separates me from any other DJ business is that I play a piano live while I DJ. I guess you could say I’m more or less a hybrid of a band and a DJ. This was something that I have never seen done before so I had to create it myself. It took years and years of practicing and fine-tuning how it works in a live setting but after almost a decade of working it out, I’ve become well known as “the DJ who plays the piano.”

Another positive that comes from my style of playing is the ability to appeal to event guests of all ages. I believe that using instrumentation in this way really bridges a gap between live and recorded music. Another way I provide a unique experience is in the actual music that I play. Being a music producer allows me to make special edits of songs and to provide music that is unique to my celebrations. Whether this comes in the form of remixes, mash ups or even something as simple as remastering an older song – some of the selections I play will only be heard at my events. Add that with decades of DJing experience and I’m able to confidently say that I can provide something no one else can.

It’s important to understand that you are playing for people from all different walks of life. Older guests love hearing the piano live and younger guests enjoy hearing a unique take on the “hits” so it really bridges the gap for all ages and genres. Watching people react so positively to this unique take on entertainment is what drives me to keep creating. It is also what ultimately what led to my success in the live entertainment business.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Charleston is a city unlike any other. There are endless ways to experience what this amazing place has to offer but if I had to provide an itinerary for what I believe would be an unforgettable trip to the Holy City, these are the things I would make sure my guests could experience on their week long visit.

Charleston by Water – Take the boat under the Ravenel bridge, visit my favorite fishing hole for catching Redfish, cruise past the Battery by water, then head out to Morris Island Lighthouse and Fort Sumter. NOTE: 4th of July fireworks on the water at night is an experience like no other.

Angel Oak – Surviving the civil-war, your friends have never seen a tree like that one

Pitt Street Bridge – A hidden gem and the best stroll in Mount Pleasant

Drinks and Fish and Chips at the Griffon – Every square inch of that space is covered in dollar bills from many years of visitors.

Boone Hall Plantation – An amazing property expertly groomed with a wealth of history

The Charleston Market (At Night) – Beat the heat, go at night. The market is even better when the sun goes down.

Firefly Distillery for Live Music – One of my favorite places to hear live music and get drinks with friends and family

The Pour House for Live Music – A hole in the wall establishment offering a perfectly grungy experience for live tunes

Ride Bikes through the Historic District (Rainbow Row) – Gotta get that famous Rainbow Row picture and see the amazing architecture the city has so perfectly preserved

Highwire Distillery – Another local favorite for the beer lovers!

Lunch at Brown Dog Deli – This is where the locals go for lunch. It’s top notch.

Lewis’ BBQ – My pick for BBQ in all of Charleston

Carmellas for Dessert – My pick for desserts when friends are in town

Sullivans Island to visit Poes Tavern – One of the best burgers you will ever eat and an ambience to match it. Plus you get to see Sullivans Island

Folly Beach – Not much to say here other than JUST GO!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
It may sound cliche but I have no choice but to dedicate my success to my family – in particular my grandfather and my mother and father. My grandfather inspired me with his incredible talent as a pianist. My parents gave me endless opportunity and access to music teachers, materials and instruments from day one. Never once did my mother or father try to dissuade me from making music my life and business and in fact they encouraged.

Right out of college, I told my parents I wanted to produce music and DJ for a living. Most parents would not be fond of an idea like this and some may even not support it – my parents were the opposite. Almost 2 decades later, I’ve been able to work with world famous artists, perform on the biggest stages for tens of thousands of people and I attribute those accomplishments to them.

Website: https://www.darbyevents.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darbyevents/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-darby-72903637

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DarbyEvents

Image Credits
Aaron & Jillian

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