What does success mean to you?

Getting to do what you love? Providing for your loved ones? What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find perspectives from some of the city’s best and brightest.
I believe everyone can be successful. Find something you are passionate with and make great things with it. That is exactly what I have attempted with my brand. Mime and visual comedy is a very niche skill to acquire. But, I truly believed in it and felt it was my purpose. Of course, at start it was tough, But went with my gut feeling that this specific art was for me. The rest is history. I believe everyone has got a purpose in life. Find that purpose and give 100%. You will be rewarded down the line. That is success – Passion, persistence and believing in yourself. Read more>>
How I define success is my students. My success is their growth, their achievements, how they feel when they are in class, how they feel after leaving class. It’s their love of the aerial arts, their passion for constantly challenging their selves, their desire to perform, to compete, to become an instructor. My students will always be my success always and forever, Read more>>
I believe for an artist success must be defined in both traditional and non-traditional ways. I think many artists and non-artists alike would define success traditionally as selling enough art to have the freedom to be a full-time artist. This would include having the ability to support oneself and his or her family solely from creative endeavors. Financial success no doubt contributes to an artist’s self-validation. It feels good to know what one is creating resonates with the public in a way that others are willing to exchange money for art. This willingness is greatly valued in our society. However, desire for financial success can also become a trap where artists find they must cater to what sells even though it may not be what they truly desire to create. Read more>>
Ultimately, success is a subjective concept, and it can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural and societal norms, personal values, and individual goals and aspirations. It is essential to define success on your terms and work towards achieving the goals that matter most to you, rather than trying to meet society’s or other people’s expectations. Have massive dreams and never ever give up! Read more>>