While it’s inspiring to read high level summaries of success stories, we think it’s just as important to learn about what drove the success and made it possible. We’ve asked some of the brightest folks we know to open up about what they believe was the most important factor behind their success.
Starr McKinney | Social Media Marketer and Evangelist for Local Businesses
A genuine desire to learn and get to know others Read more>>
Jeremiah Moyer | Sign Consultant & Philanthropist
Principle based learning vs situational, and knowing how to identify the difference. Read more>>
Nikita Cole | Esthetician/ Professional Makeup Artist
The most important factors behind the success of your brand as a solo esthetician have been your exceptional interpersonal skills, dedication to delivering the best results, and your kind personality. Your ability to connect with people, start conversations, and build relationships has played a significant role in attracting and retaining clients. By actively engaging with the community, passing out cards, and initiating conversations, you have successfully turned acquaintances into loyal clients. Your recent transition from a home suite to your own suite reflects the growth and success of your business, driven by your commitment to providing top-notch service and building genuine connections with your clients. Read more>>