We are so inspired by the businesses in our community because of how many of them are committed to helping to make the world better than it is today. Check out some great businesses below and how they are helping others.

(Coyote) Christina Smith Larney | Surfer, Author & Dream Weaver

TKCdreams helps/supports/inspires the community/world by opening new ways of being and relating in the world by providing resources to heal, grow & thrive – more specifically, TKCdreams: 1/ provides safe spaces to heal, grow & thrive
2/ provides a community space to heal, grow & thrive 3/ moves participants toward joy and self determination 4/ inspires participants to find, follow & build the life of the Read more>>

April Evans | Event Flow Maestro

As your Event Flow Maestro, I’m all about fostering community through events. My aim is simple: to create spaces where people can connect, learn, and grow together, strengthening our bonds and creating a sense of belonging. Whether I’m crafting the run-of-show, sparking conversations, or delivering keynotes, my focus is always on crafting experiences that resonate deeply with attendees. Each aspect of my work is carefully tailored to meet the needs of the community, as seen through the eyes of my clients. Read more>>

Alexis Rogers | Upstate NACE Chapter President

We are a non-profit organization that brings event industry professionals together to network, grow, and educate the people in our community to better themselves, grow their business, and better the community! We help the community by hosting events where people can come together and feel safe to express themselves in the events world. Whether that is meeting new people and expanding their connections or attending an educational event and expanding their knowledge and skills. We want everyone in our industry to feel welcome and invited to come learn and meet others just like them or even a little unique! Read more>>

Branford Brock | Strength Coach & Fitness Influencer

Otherside Fitness helps the Greenville Community become stronger, healthier, and happier versions of themselves. Read more>>