We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Mike “Blu” Priester | Entrepreneur, Director, Filmmaker


I started my business with a mobile phone and a dream. I doubted myself so many times all because of my equipment. I had what they call “imposter syndrome” due to the fact that I was not formally taught nor did I have the “latest and greatest” equipment. I now understand that the self doubt is what was keeping my business from growing. Read more>>

T-Bone SMITH | Singer/multi-instrumentalist/songwriter/producer/bandleader

Hopefully, I try to bring something different to the music scene. There’s way too much local bands that are content just playing “Tennessee Whiskey” and the sane old tired 40-50 cover songs on automatic pilot. I’d you like that sort of thing, good on you. But if you work at McDonald’s you don’t want to eat cheeseburgers every day, right? It’s the same way with people going to see live music. I think Elvis Presley said it best that if you don’t give people something different and just play music then they’ll be like, “Well, I can stay home and listen to this.” People do get bored with the same old-same old all the time. It’s like you know your marriage is in trouble when your wife starts cooking Hamburger Helper every night. I write, record, and produce original music. And then we go out, mix it into our show with some cool cover tunes, and we go out and do our best give people something unique and make them feel positive and happy throughout. Do people think what I do is crazy? At times, yes. But when we get done, they switch parameters and they’re like, “He’s right.” Read more>>

2 Blondes Loving Life Jess and Dani | 2 Blondes living our best lives. Sharing our favorite finds, travel tips, along with our love of life and whatever shenanigans we find ourselves in.

2Blondes makes us happy because we get to work together, be creative together and have fun doing it. We have learned a lot more about each other in the process which has further strengthened our friendship. We share a lot of common interests such as travel, animals, plants, and finding humor in all aspects of life. We also love a good deal. Read more>>

Dameien Nathaniel | Trans, Queer, Autistic, Poet

I think I’ve always been a writer, but when I was younger I couldn’t see a future where writing was my focus, so I put it on the backburner. When I reached my midlife crisis, I realized that in reality, I couldn’t see a future without writing. So I decided to put my whole self into it and decided to go for my MFA in poetry, as well as finding my place in the local poetry scene and performing my work for others. Read more>>

Monica Merriweather | Modelingmonica


The concept of work-life balance has evolved over the years, and its meaning has changed for me.

The introduction of smartphones in the early1990s and even more the late 2000s changed the way I view work-life balance.

The new technology allowed people including myself to work from anywhere at any time, which means you could never truly disconnect from work. Read more>>