Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.

Amy McKissick | Realtor and Interior Designer

I believe that risk is integral to living a fulfilling life. It’s the one thing you have to embrace if you want to catapult yourself from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary one. Is it frightening at times? 100% I practiced as a Family Nurse Practitioner for over 20 years and then totally pivoted my career to being a business owner, realtor and designer. But what frightened me more was staying where I was for the next 20 years. Read more>>

Emily Gardner | Realtor

When I think about risk, I think about getting out of your comfort zone. At some point we all want to do something in our lives that have never done before and you don’t know how it will pane out. We say its risky and that’s why we hold back from doing it but truly we are just too scared to step out of the place where we are comfortable. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t decide to take the risk of buying my first home and the risk of changing my career path. Read more>>

Danielle McFarquhar | Career & Leadership Strategist

There are a few factors that I think about when considering risk. The first is being clear about my why. I need to feel confident that whatever the outcome, I’ve counted the cost and know that I made the best decision with the information I had at the time. The next factor, equally important to me, is having faith. Whether it’s a little faith or a lot of faith, I need some measure to move forward with anything involving risk. Finally, I seek counsel from those I trust as having a perspective other than my own and the opportunity to address potential areas I can’t see is essential. Read more>> 

Tez Dixon | Film Director

I think taking risks is a blessing and a curse. I’ve taken risks as far as self funding multiple films, but the outcome and feedback from the audience is only motivating me to keep going. Read more>>

Jackson Randall | Digital Creator

I will never forget the day I decided to get out of my comfort zone. I picked up the camera and went to a public sporting event in my area (Battle At The Rock). In fact, 19 year old me, who was fully capable of driving, and had been driving for some years at that point… had my dad drop me off, due to gut wrenching nerves. Terrified to introduce myself to other creators, ask questions, or even ask for help. From that day forward, I slowly, but surely got out of my comfort zone, one day at a time. Read more>>

Jerald Tindal | Director,rapper & actor

Risk just go and do it everybody fails and everybody success is different some get success early some get success later risk made me better and not afraid and made me think who I need and don’t need Read more>>