Perspectives on Risk-Taking

There is a wealth of academic research that suggests that differences in risk appetite are at the heart of differences in career and business trajectories. We wanted to go beyond the theory and ask real people from the community about their perspectives and experiences with risk and risk taking.
For me, taking a risk usually means you are going against what the facts say to follow your gut. Which means it is an emotional act. Understanding this has helped me when making risky decisions while running my business and in life. I ask myself, am I taking this fight because it is worth the battle or because I am upset? Turning away from risks taken in defiance or anger has helped me and my business avoid stresses as we have both grown over the years. On the same note, taking the risks that had a positive reasoning usually works in our favor and we have fun while doing it! Read more>>
Oh boy. Risk taking is everything. Truly. It is paramount to personal and creative progress. It sounds brutal, but I genuinely believe that if you create something about which someone could not say “I hated that,” then you have not taken a risk. I believe that the worst thing you can be is boring. Some of the best advice I’ve ever been given is to “fail big.” I live and work by that. If I fail, I want to go down swinging. In front of everyone. Because that’s what makes success so fulfilling; that’s the flipside. Those who allow themselves to fail big will be the ones who succeed big. I don’t take half-measures. Read more>>
I wouldn’t be doing what I do today without taking the risks that I have taken on my journey. I feel that taking risks in life is necessary for us to realize our potential. Without taking risks we aren’t able to see what we are really made of and what we are capable of achieving. Taking a risk on something we feel is in line with our soul’s intention removes us from our comfort zone and opens doors that would have never appeared otherwise. When we avoid risk-taking we stay stagnant in the same place. Read more>>