We had the good fortune of connecting with Radhaa Nilia and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Radhaa, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
Risk is deeply ingrained in my journey, a testament to an upbringing marked by perpetual change. The turbulence of my youth, characterized by a lack of stability and familiarity, became the crucible for the resilience and adaptability I now hold dear. In a more conventional upbringing, the allure of a stable, unchanging life might have swayed me. However, constant change was my reality, sparking a thirst for the unknown and a curiosity that extended beyond familiar horizons. My mother defied societal norms with the audacious creation of a gallery. With no safety net, she became its visionary, navigating a “make it or break it” scenario. Her unwavering determination and refusal to succumb to circumstances left an indelible mark on my mind and heart. A footsteps I would soon follow from an inspired watchful eyes.

Observing her fearless pursuit of the unknown, I embraced risks as integral chapters in my adventure. Delving into new skills, perspectives, and opportunities, I recognized the importance of stumbling, falling, and rising again. Being willing to fall flat on your face is crucial; the most profound learning occurs in those moments. This saying by Confucius encapsulates it perfectly, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” To live authentically, we must be willing to take risks and embrace the inevitable falls along the way.

When I began my journey into book publishing, I was clueless—unaware of even the basics. The process was humbling and exciting because I acquired the knowledge through relentless effort and numerous mistakes. I’ve learned that perseverance pays off. Over time, I’ve mastered various aspects, even teaching classes and assisting authors in publishing their work. It’s immensely fulfilling because it feels like I’ve earned my stripes.

It’s wild when a few of our authors, who had big-time publishers after working with us, would tell me that this experience was so healing for them. They felt deeply connected, expressing trauma from being picked up and then shelved or only interacting with assistants. They found our process to be a more holistic approach full of support. However, what truly makes me glow is when authors tell me with the greatest sincerity that they can’t believe their dream came true. To be a part of that is genuinely special, and I am humbled and grateful. I believe in the power of genuine connection and meaningful creation, which fuels my purpose.

I believe in a society that embraces mistakes as a crucial part of learning. We are constantly learning, and fumbles and errors are just part of the journey. This contrasts the prevailing punishment and cancel culture that demands an unrealistic standard of perfection. I advocate for a more compassionate approach, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and learns rather than perpetuating a toxic culture of unrealistically high standards. One thing we really help our authors with, is feeling comfortable in sharing their most authentic stories. Our author incubator programs really support authors to start to feel safe withing themselves and their words. It’s so beautiful to see people blooming into who they truly are.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Q: Can you tell us more about Radhaa Publishing House?

A: Radhaa Publishing House is a dynamic publishing platform dedicated to the art of writing and the empowerment of authors. We specialize in curating Collaborative Book Projects and creative Coaching Programs, offering Sovereign Author Packages designed to support writers in sharing their unique voices with the world.

What truly sets us apart is the love and support we offer our authors in a way that is unheard of in the publishing world. Our mission is deeply rooted in nurturing dreams, empowering the voices of new writers, and providing comprehensive support and mentorship programs to guide authors through the intricate journey of publishing.

In the tapestry of storytelling, we find the essence of the soul, and at Radhaa Publishing House, we’ve been honored to weave together the dreams and voices of a global community. My name is Radhaa Nilia, and as we embark on this transformative journey, I invite you to feel the heartbeat of our publishing sanctuary. We offer Three Royal Paths to Author Empowerment:

Author Incubator: Dive into collaborative books with our empowering programs. Flourish through writing incubation, emerging fully empowered with a market-ready book and inclusive PR support.

Sovereign Author Packages: Receive comprehensive support and guidance for solo projects from start to finish.
Rising Star PR Program: Elevate your brand, shine in the media spotlight, and embark on a transformative journey to becoming a bestselling author.

Furthermore, we consistently provide low-cost and affordable creative writing classes to bolster and uplift authors within our community. Our mission is deeply ingrained with a dedication to fostering dreams and empowering the voices of writers globally. More than just a publishing house, we are a thriving community that treasures the voice of the soul and revels in the artistry of storytelling.

Q: What achievements or aspects of Radhaa Publishing House make you particularly proud or excited?

A: We take immense pride in supporting numerous authors, many of whom have achieved the prestigious status of best-selling authors. What excites us the most is the ripple effect of empowerment and inspiration within the community. One author’s success is a beacon of hope for others, motivating them to pursue their creative dreams and share their unique stories. Peek into our curated selection of books spanning genres, from holistic healing to the mystical realms of the divine feminine and the awakening of Starseeds. Each book is a testament to our commitment to uplifting, inspiring, and transforming lives. Our collaborative projects, from best-selling books spanning holistic healing to the awakening of Starseeds, are a testament to the collective effort of a diverse tapestry woven together by authors from various corners of the Earth. As we completed an enchanting UK book tour, our creations found homes in print and digital formats, consistently earning recognition as multiple #1 Bestsellers.

Here are a few books from Radhaa Publishing House Catalog:

Energy Healing & Soul Medicine: An enchanting journey into holistic well-being and personal transformation by healers. This book is a treasure trove of practical wisdom, inviting readers to discover the extraordinary power within them.

Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering by Maya the Shaman: A mystical exploration of timelines and cosmic experiences, offering readers a chance to embark on a unique spiritual journey.

Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 3, Dreaming into the Future: A call to embrace personal growth and transformation, inspiring readers to transcend old belief systems and step into a future they’ve always dreamt of.

Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 2, Stories Beyond the Stargate: Delves even deeper into the mystical and transformative experiences of nineteen Starseeds, revealing how portals and Stargates of consciousness are opening, flooding in powerful light codes for the transformation of our planet.

Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 1, Shattering Illusions: Marks the inception of a groundbreaking series, offering readers a passport to a realm of cosmic awakening, personal transformation, and the embrace of divine truth.

Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™: Unraveling the tight grip of the patriarchy to resurrect the Goddesses back onto Earth and into the Golden Age, this book is a resounding call to trailblaze with self-empowerment and transformation.
Dolphin Odyssey: A Journey into the Secret World of Ascension: An enchanting memoir that delves into the profound connection between humans and dolphins, inviting readers on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Stories of the Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers: An anthology celebrating the journeys of modern women, guiding readers to rekindle the age-old power of the Goddess within.

Soon to be released Books:

Embracing Aloha weaves a high-stakes adventure with corrupt politicians, a global ecological threat, and the question: is “Aloha” a mere sentiment or the key to humanity’s survival? Intertwined is a captivating love story revealing the intricacies of the human heart amid dolphin swims, encounters with wealth and royalty, and shared dinners in the warm embrace of the setting sun.

Mahárliká: In Search of Identity reveals the untold history of the Philippines, exploring the archipelago’s roots from pre-colonial grandeur to Spanish rule. A captivating journey through transformative periods, this must-read offers rich detail and compelling prose for history enthusiasts, travelers, and those seeking an authentic exploration of Mahárliká’s essence.
Poems From the Heart: “Poems From the Heart” is more than a book; it’s a chance to leave your mark on literary history. This collaborative poetry project, released spring of 2024, invites you to infuse your soul’s language into a tapestry of human experiences—from love’s embrace to depths of sorrow and joy. Join writers worldwide in crafting this collaborative poetry book. Excitement is building for the book launch, and you can be a part of it! We’re still accepting applications—details below.

We recently completed an exciting UK book tour, where we brought all the books, and a few of our authors met us there. Our books sold out during our tour, providing a fantastic opportunity to connect with readers and share the magic of our authors’ words. Yet, beyond the accolades, our journey has been a profound lesson in patience, understanding, and the power of a supportive environment. Collaborating on transformative projects requires holding a sacred space for authors to explore and express the depths of their stories.

Q: What lessons has Radhaa Publishing House learned along the way?

A: Launching Radhaa Publishing House unfolded a powerful lesson: you don’t need anyone’s approval or a standing ovation to kickstart something remarkable. Honestly, even I, at the beginning, wasn’t entirely sure about it. But it wasn’t about me; it was this vision of authors converging from every corner of the world for collaborative books. You dive into these ventures because you envision something beyond just yourself or your ego. Yes, the ego takes a knock sometimes, especially when those fears of criticism creep in, but if your goal is to create something uplifting and inspiring, that’s what keeps you moving forward. That was the driving force for me.

Reflecting on Radhaa Publishing House’s journey, one thing shines bright – the captivating blend of genuine passion and an unwavering belief in our mission. It’s a non-negotiable, especially when the path gets a bit rocky. Staying true to our creative essence and holding fast to the big picture is what keeps us grounded when things get intricate.

Running a small business like ours calls for a wealth of time, energy, and patience. Particularly when navigating collaborative projects and attending to the unique needs of our wonderful authors. It’s not just about crafting a product; it’s about immersing ourselves in the entire process—marketing, client care, and ensuring our authors’ writing dreams unfold authentically. And let’s be real, this isn’t some get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a constant stream of work, from crafting to client interactions, showcasing the profound depth of our commitment.

So, if you’re venturing into your own small business, remember this: you better authentically love what you’re doing and believe in it. Otherwise, the journey might lose its luster, and there won’t be anyone to pick you up, motivate you, or even understand what it takes. But that’s okay. Every great journey requires a passionate heart and a steadfast belief. As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Q: How did you manage to curate collaborative books?

A: At Radhaa Publishing House, our approach to curating collaborative books is rooted in a profound commitment to projects we authentically love and believe in. Right from the start, we’ve placed a high priority on close collaboration with our clients, fostering an environment of mutual support. By immersing ourselves in each project, staying related and connected, we’ve witnessed remarkable achievements, making writing dreams come true.

Q: How does The Sovereign Author Package empower authors to maintain control of their creative work?

A: The Sovereign Author Package empowers authors to retain creative control while receiving comprehensive support. This revolutionary option covers everything from book design and editing to marketing support. Your royalties come directly to you. This support package starts with personalized coaching sessions where your creative control is paramount as you retain full copyright ownership. Your book becomes your legacy, enabling broader readership, authority building, and promotional opportunities. Our PR program enhances your reach with expertly crafted press releases and author interviews, amplifying your niche authority. The goal is to streamline the publishing journey and ensure you maintain absolute control in today’s evolving publishing landscape. The Sovereign Author Package makes publishing and market access easy, enabling your success, recognition, and creative freedom.

Q. Could you provide insights into the experiences of some of the authors you’ve worked with?

A: Here are a few sweet shares from our incredible authors:

Alanna, Studio City, CA: “Working with Radhaa Publishing House on both ends is magical and super transformational. I recommend anyone wanting to take their writing to the next level to work with Radhaa Publishing. I see there is infinite growth and potential in these co-author endeavors.”

Kory Muniz, Encino, CA: “I feel that I have been divinely led to being published by Radhaa Publishing House. Goddess does work in mysterious ways and sends us earth angels to help uplift every one of us. I recommend Radhaa Publishing House to anyone who has a journey to share.”

Raziel, Chino Hills, CA: “I highly recommend working with Radhaa Publishing House. They are an incredible team fully vested in publishing and leaving a legacy of stories about people with experience in a multi-dimensional world that many are now awakening to.”

Yarimar, Florida: “I am deeply grateful to Radha Publishing House; it has been an honor for me to be part of this wonderful project. Thank you for your transformative collaboration in this New Era.”

Q: What’s the next upcoming Author Opportunity?

A: We are preparing to activate hearts globally with our upcoming project, “Poems From the Heart.” This collaborative venture is more than a mere collection of verses; it’s a powerful celebration of the universal human experience. We invite poets from every corner of the world to join us in crafting a tapestry of emotions that transcends borders and resonates with the shared threads of our humanity.

As we explore the poetic expressions of diverse voices, our collective goal is to bring a universal understanding: that, at the core, we all yearn for love and connection. This project is not just about creating a book but crafting an anthem of unity, a testament to the shared heartbeat that brings us together, fostering a global sense of togetherness that transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences. Together, through the Poet’s voices, we’ll celebrate the beautiful symphony of the human experience.

Q: Are any spots left in the “Poems From the Heart” Author Incubator for Poets who want to join?A: Absolutely! Limited spots remain in our exclusive program, “Poems From the Heart.” This isn’t just about crafting a book; it’s an opportunity to become part of a legacy, showcasing heartfelt and inspiring poetry from diverse voices. Join our global community of poets and lend your unique voice to our collaborative poetry book.

“Poems From The Heart” is more than a book; it’s your chance to etch your name into literary history. Scheduled for release in spring 2024, this collaborative poetry book invites you to weave the language of your soul into a tapestry of human experiences—love’s tender embrace, the profound depths of sorrow, and the heights of joy.

In our program, you’ll dive into the Author Incubator Program, featuring creative writing workshops in December, Book Marketing Training, and author interviews in January and February. Our sessions are thoughtfully scheduled to accommodate our diverse international community, ensuring accessibility no matter where you are. Throughout this journey, expect inspirational prompts, valuable feedback, and unwavering support to craft and share your verses. Our Author Incubators are nurturing spaces for your poetic spirit, immersing you in a supportive community with expert guidance. Designed to sustain your creative momentum, our classes invite every reader, aspiring author, and poetic soul.

The next chapter awaits, and your story, dear reader, poet, and author, is an indispensable part of the narrative we are meticulously weaving together. Let’s embark on this journey—where every word is a step, every page a milestone, and every soul a cherished contributor to our shared literary masterpiece. Keep sharing, and keep shining. If you are reading this after the book has been published, I sincerely hope it brings you inspiration and joy.

With Gratitude,

Radhaa Nilia

Founder, Radhaa Publishing House

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
As a growing small business owner, my packed schedule usually revolves around managing various projects and indulging in my creative pursuits, often leaving little time for casual socializing. However, if a dear friend were to visit, I’d be thrilled to craft a truly memorable day in Los Angeles, immersing ourselves in the vibrant tapestry of the city.

Day 1: Santa Monica Bliss

Morning: Begin the day with the invigorating aroma of matcha lattes at Urth Cafe, setting the tone for a leisurely stroll along the iconic Santa Monica Beach. Rent bikes to traverse the picturesque bike path, basking in the rejuvenating coastal breeze.

Afternoon: Indulge in a tantalizing lunch at Crudo De Nudo, a culinary gem with a daily menu promising to delight the taste buds. The whimsical Santa Monica Pier becomes our playground, featuring a ride on the iconic Ferris wheel amidst a vibrant atmosphere.

Evening: Explore the artistic allure of ROSEGALLY before ascending to the Penthouse restaurant. Dinner comes with ocean views, enhancing the magic of a sunset, a perfect finale to our Santa Monica adventure.

Day 2: Malibu Serenity

Morning: Start the day at Malibu Surfrider Beach, sipping coffee against the backdrop of soothing waves. Our cultural exploration continues at the Getty Villa, where ancient art and architecture unfold in breathtaking beauty.

Afternoon: Relish a delightful lunch at Malibu Farm Pier Café, offering fresh, organic delights with a waterfront view. Post-lunch, our journey extends to Big Heart Ranch, an animal sanctuary with a mission to protect and rehabilitate both animals and humans—an energizing and heartwarming experience.

Evening: A sunset walk along the beach sets the stage for dinner at Nobu Malibu, where exquisite cuisine meets panoramic Pacific views, creating an enchanting atmosphere for the perfect Malibu evening.

Day 3: Topanga Canyon Adventure

Morning: Embrace the bohemian spirit of Topanga with a morning hike in Topanga State Park, followed by a scenic drive through the canyon.

Afternoon: Savor lunch at Cafe 27, surrounded by nature, paving the way for exploring unique shops like Luv and Sunshine and visiting Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum—an immersive experience into the essence of Topanga.

Evening: Conclude the day with a sunset spectacle at a cozy spot, followed by dinner at Canyon Bistro & Wine. The intimate atmosphere harmonizes with a menu of delectable dishes, wrapping up our Topanga adventure on a delicious note.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
A heartfelt tribute to my extraordinary mother, Maya—an immigrant who, through hard work, transformed from her early days at the crafts market to becoming the town’s pioneering businesswoman of color, shattering glass ceilings. Now, coming full circle, she serves as a wise elder, Maya the Shaman. Her journey, highlighted in the book, “Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering,” showcases unwavering determination and creative vision. Witnessing her overcome oppression repeatedly with a heart full of love and commitment to rise higher is a constant source of inspiration.

Website: https://linktr.ee/RadhaaPublishingHouse or www.RadhaaPublishingHouse.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RadhaaPublishing.

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/radhaanilia

Facebook: www.facebook.com/radhaapublishing.

Youtube: https://bit.ly/37fMq8p

Other: Upcoming Projects: https://linktr.ee/RadhaaPublishingHouse. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radhaapublishing/. Facebook: www.facebook.com/radhaapublishing. YouTube: https://bit.ly/3z7wJe2. Personal Links: www.RadhaaNilia.netwww.linkedin.com/in/radhaanilia. https://www.instagram.com/radhaanilia/

Image Credits
Hey! So they are mostly selfies – a picture I took in UK of authors as well 🙂

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.