We had the good fortune of connecting with Jermaine Singletary and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jermaine, what’s the most important thing you’ve done for your children?
I believe the most important thing I’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on my children is being present. It didn’t matter how difficult things may have gotten at times, I was always present for my children. Through the good, bad, success, and failures, I felt the need to be there. Even through the course of divorce, I remained present in their lives. My children saw true intergrity in me, as a father. I didn’t allow circumstances, society, nor mere defeat prevent me from being the father that I knew I wanted to be. I relied on my faith in GOD to create the man/father that I’ve become. Sometimes fatherhood gets tough and society threatens your morals, but I remained true to creating men from the seeds that I produced. I made sacrifices to be there for my children and I am yielding the positive results.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
All my life I have had this since of creativety about me. I was always praised for creativety in writing, poetry, and getting along with others. At the age of 15 I became a lyrical entertainer (Rapper) and began touring and sharing the stage with many national artists. During my time as an artist, I continued my love of helping others. I received numerous accolades and awards for my services within communities. I taught at an alternative school for over 18 years, in which I started my nonprofit organization Binding Ties to assist in making a positive impact to “at-risk” youth and those less fortunate. I remained dedicated to making a positive difference in communities and those that I came in contact with. After a 15 year marriage, I was forced to file for a divorce. This was terrifying for me because I always stated that I wanted my children to never have to deal with their mother and father separating. It was unfortunately a messy divorce that made me a much stronger man. I came in contact with so many men that were being mistreated, and misrepresented, that I decided to write a book outlining the way society strips a man of his manhood during divorce. Thus, making me an author of the book “Scorn Not Torn”. I also wrote a children’s book entitled, “The WE In ME”, that stresses the importance of teamwork. Through it all, I learned that GOD never leaves your side, and if you just give him a moment of your time, he will walk you through the deepest of valleys while keeping you focused on the mountaintop. Even when you feel that you are down to nothing, faith will show you something!

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I’m not one to do a whole lot of hanging out, but I would visit various restaurants in the area of Columbia. I love to cook, so I will certainly put together some great dishes. I would vibe off of my friend’s vibes. I am always opened minded and willing to travel or drive. I would certainly invite him to the church we attend in order experience how GOD moves throughout the congregation. I’m just a laid back guy that doesn’t mind having fun for whatever you might have in mind.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would like to recognize my high school teacher Mrs. CeeCee Johnson (RIP) and principal Marvin Byers for not only being there for me in the educational setting, but being there for me in life. They were like a mom and dad to me when I needed that strength and courage to move forward. I cannot thank them enough for creating me into the man that I have become. I also extend thanks to my mom that struggled throughout my life to make a way for seven children on her own. She always made sure that we were taking care of and provided us an atmosphere that provided an opportunity for success. She was the mother and the father in our home and she showed me the meaning of never giving up and always completing the things you start.
Furthermore, I want to thank my wife Candice Singletary that was there for me when I was down on my knees confused. She took my hand and guided me back to my calling and desire. With her by my side and GOD with HIS arms around me, I was able to rise from a dark place and bring light upon myself and others.

Website: https://www.bindingtiesinc.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bindingtiesinc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bindingtiesinc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/binding.ties

Other: Scorn Not Torn: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/scorn-not-torn1 The WE In ME:https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-we-in-me1

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.