Community favorites: Quotes and affirmations

We asked the community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us. Check some of those out below.
I do have a favorite quote… ” A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.”- James Allen This quote speaks volumes! It is from the book ” As a Man Thinketh. It means our thoughts be it positive or negative shape our lives. I read somewhere the average person has up to 70 thousand thoughts per day and most of them are not good. Therefore, it is essential to manage your thoughts and reprogram all negative thinking especially fear. Read more>>
Before I start any piece, the voice of artist Pablo Picasso plays in my head, repeating his quote: “Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” Everywhere is noise. In front of us, in our pockets, in our ears. Pulling us in different directions, electrifying our attention to the point we only see bright lights and hear the sizzling crackle of signal interference. Read more>>
My favorite affirmation would be “I am driven by passion to fulfill my purpose .” This means that I’m passionate about my work and when I’m in my element which would be interacting with customers or doing what I love an that’s preparing many foods I just love to get everyone’s reactions of my finished products and to hear how much they were satisfied with the presentation or the whole outcome makes me feel whole. Read more>>