Starting a business can be terrifying. Weighing the pros and cons, the risks, and other considerations can be so overwhelming that often promising entrepreneurs stop before they even start. We asked some phenomenal entrepreneurs about their thought process behind starting their own businesses. Our hope is that by making the thought-process less intimidating we can help more folks think through whether they should take an entrepreneurial leap.

Jake Niles | Player 1 Productions CEO

The concept for the Player 1 Project/Player 1 Productions is derived from a deep passion for the culture and community of Electronic Dance Music and to highlight the talents of the southeast. Read more>>

Brie Todd | Salon owner | Entrepreneur

The thought process behind starting my own business was heavily influenced by my desire for work-life balance. As a mother of two at the time, I realized that I needed the freedom to manage my professional and personal life on my terms. The salon world can be challenging when it comes to finding a place that truly feels like home, so I decided to create that environment for myself. Read more>>

Heather Saputo | Photographer & Financial Analyst

If I am completely honest, I never thought of being a photographer. It wasn’t until after I had my children that I picked up a camera and started capturing my own memories. A little while later, I started doing sessions for $45 and quickly realized that this was something that I wanted to pursue. Read more>>

Nathaniel Bridges | Bartender and Entrepreneur

I’ve always dreamed of being my own boss and finding a way to incorporate what I enjoy doing in my free time into my professional life, as I’m sure most people do, but up until I had this idea I couldn’t think of a way to make that work. Read more>>

Jontee Lindsey | Owner of Urbyn Skyy and Content Creator

My business came to me in a dream. I always have very vivid dreams, deja vu, the whole nine, so I took the dream as God talking to me and giving me the clear vision on what I should do. The name came to me in the dream and it was socks. I’m a former athlete, and socks and sneakers were always a major aspect of my self expression on and off the court. Read more>>

Mia CaraDonna | Owner of Magari Boutique

Growing up, I’ve always been drawn to design and had an eye for fashion. To me, there are few things more satisfying than stepping into my closet and pulling together pieces to create a stylish outfit that makes me feel confident and excited to face the day. Read more>>