Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.

Faith Stephenson | picture Jenny Faith | Photographer

Every life decision carries the weight of risk; that weight is determined by our individual perspectives. For the better part of my life, I aspired to join the medical field where I would be a nurse and impact lives daily. But then…COVID. Personally, the pandemic engulfed my life, but it forced me to take a moment and reevaluate my path. Amidst the chaos going on in the world during this time, I discovered a strong passion for storytelling through photography. I was still pursing nursing, but had lots of time to figure out who I am. Read more>>

Racheal Bagwell | Principal Interior Designer

I do not generally think of myself as a risk taker, but in order to be a successful business owner I have to be willing to take risks. In 2018 I began my career as an entry level interior designer for a small firm in Seneca, SC. After working hard and building relationships for 6 years, I realized I was too comfortable with where I was with my career. Being too comfortable will halt personal growth. Ultimately I was not happy, so I began to pray and ask God to open up new doors. He then pushed me to take a risk and go out on my own in January 2024. Read more>>

Frank Gordon | Content Creator | Gamer | Comedian

At First Very intimidating But You Have To Take Risks In Order to grow. Whats the point of life without growing? every year we learn at least one thing new about ourselves and others. Risks have made me the buisness man i am today managing different aspects of my life. Read more>>