We asked some of the city’s hidden gems to tell us about what they feel is the most important factor behind their success.

Capers Cauthen | Furniture builder & Historical Preservationist

The most important factor in the success of Landrum Tables is that we take pride in saving all the historical features of the historical wood we use from old Charleston buildings and make them focal points of the furniture. This gives our furniture not only an antique look but is a true reflection of construction methods of the past. Read more>>

Yas Zarroug | Owner and found of Barking Bliss- Dog Boarding & Day

The most important factor behind the success of All Barking Bliss is our unwavering commitment to consistency and the genuine love we have for every dog in our care. We ensure that each dog experiences a stable, nurturing environment, and we treat them with the same affection and attention we would give our own pets. This dedication fosters trust and loyalty among our clients, setting us apart in the dog boarding industry. Read more>>

Alex O’Neil | Founder, City on the Hill Consultancy

When I think about what’s helped me succeed, a few things come to mind.

First off, I’m always learning. I love reading, staying active on LinkedIn, and keeping up with the latest industry trends. There are many people who do the same, but I’ve found one of the things that sets me apart is that I can also put it into practice. It’s one thing to read a book, it’s another thing to take extensive notes and practice it in a business setting. While everyone has heard of AI, I tried to really learn it – in 2023, I won a company-wide ChatGPT contest at GE Appliances. Read more>>