Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.

Sharael Lueders | Virtual Assistant

Working for a corporate company right after I graduated, work life balance was much easier to maintain. I would clock in Monday through Friday, 9-5 and after that I didn’t really have to think about work in my free time. After starting the business, I quickly learned that I had to draw my own hard lines otherwise I’d be consumed by this business and my well being and relationships would suffer. I now have specific places in my home where I work and when I am in my bedroom, I refuse to bring my laptop in there because it’s a place of relaxation and rest. I train my brain to associate certain rooms with certain practices. Since doing this, my work life balance has improved significantly! Learning to create boundaries for myself and the business has been so beneficial and has allowed me to keep from getting burnt out. I love what I do and want to keep loving what I do, and in order to do that rules need to be set in place. Read more>>

 Claire Campagna | Energetic Alignment Coach: Astrology & Human Design Specialist

I come from corporate burnout, so to me, balance is essential when it comes to creating a sustainable lifestyle & business! For nearly a decade I had a high stress, demanding career that monopolized my time and energy. This constant state of overwhelm and autopilot led to my quarter-life crisis, which spurred my self-discovery journey, and ultimately, the start of my business. I have since left this corporate career and hustle culture behind to start a new, more aligned career path. Among other reasons (like actually using my gifts and doing fulfilling work), I wanted to work for myself so I could personally curate a work/life balance that works for me. Read more>>

Elyse Stokes | Custom Wedding Invitation Designer and Live Wedding Painter

E Stokes Creations stands out by infusing each piece with a unique touch that reflects the couple’s love story, whether it’s through the custom wedding invitations that I create or in the live wedding paintings, I work so hard to bring each couple’s unique love story to the forefront of my art in an intentional way. Read more>>