What was your thought process behind starting your own business?

Starting a business is a commitment and requires dedication, resources and sacrifice. We asked some of the rising stars in our community how they thought through the idea of starting their own businesses.
I wanted to create a space for clients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, clients that looked like me, and clients that had some realization of how depression can have you seeing your body in the worse way possible. I always thought it was about financial freedom, being my own boss, and creating my own schedule but, it was more than that. I’ve been in my client’s shoes where I absolutely hated my body, my body hair, especially facial hair, and how fast it would grow. I had no desire for a space where clients felt I just went to school, read a textbook and passed a test when in fact I am living the same day to day issues they experience. I love what I am creating; my goal is to continue to do so. Read more>>
I’ve never been great at sitting still or following directions. I did well in school but knew early on that I didn’t want to spend adulthood sitting at a desk doing what someone else told me to do. My mom and the rest of her family have always been small business owners and entrepreneurs so the idea of starting a business seemed natural. Read more>>
I started moving clean around the pandemic, so I had time to sit and reflect on a lot of things during that period of time. Initially my thoughts were to create a side hustle and help with more financial stability throughout the pandemic. That eventually shifted to my main focus once I started to understand the value of good business, and started seeing potential and opportunities for immense growth. Read more>>
Before going into Cosmetology, I was a work from home mom/wife to two children for about six years… As our marriage was dissolving, I had to figure out a plan to make a decent income while not sacrificing much of the time and flexibility I had grown accustomed to living while still being able to take care of my children. So, from that experience, Studio Pink the Beauty Bar was born! Read more>>
I have always been creative and I have always enjoyed with my hands – whether it’s drawing or weeding in the garden. It’s when I feel the most like ME. Growing up I always wanted to be an artist, but when I went to college, I chose a ‘sensible’ degree because I’m the oldest of five kids and frankly, I had a lot of bills and debt to pay. Read more>>
School was really tough for me. I struggled so much and especially with learning how to read. I had to repeat a grade in elementary school because I couldn’t read. I remember getting pulled out of class for special tutoring and being sent to take tests to see if I had any learning disability. It made me feel embarrassed that I wasn’t as smart as other kids. Read more>>