What value or principle matters most to you? Why?

We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until your clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.
One of the values that matters most to me is joy. While I know that probably doesn’t make anyone’s standard list of important business principles I think it has a profound impact on a company culture and the experience a customer has. The reality is that, in most cases, there is someone out there that can do what we do; another words they have the same product or service offering. Weaving joy into every customer experience and team interaction sets us apart. It makes us a desirable place to work and it facilitates epic customer experiences. It also just makes life fun! It makes work fun! It makes serving the community and customers fun! Read more>>
I am a genuine lover of people. So much of my drive in the food industry has to do with the bottom line of serving others. I’m an extrovert by nature, so inviting people into my home is a natural expression of love for me. The passion of My Daily Delish is to empower others to do the same thing. It can be intimidating to sign up for a meal train or to offer to bring your neighbors dinner if you aren’t comfortable in the kitchen. The aim of my website and cookbook is to deliver simple and delicious recipes that will be a winner every time. The best compliment to me is when someone says “you’ve grown my confidence in the kitchen.’” The story of My Daily Delish really isn’t about me- it’s about bringing more love and kindness and generosity into the world. My vehicle for doing that just so happens to be food! We are all so much more alike than we think we are. Food is a natural connector. Read more>>
Hard work, without it you can’t get anything accomplished or get closer to your goals Read more>>