What value or principle matters most to you?

In our view, values and principles are the foundation upon which our lives, careers and relationships are built. So, we asked folks we admire to open up to us about the values and principles that matter most to them.
The value or principle that matters most to me is determination. This matters most to me because it is what will get you far. For me, it comes fairly easy but that doesn’t mean there aren’t hard days. I’m able to push through those hard days because my mind is set on the big picture, not the periods of waiting for the paint to dry in between. When others see you push through those hard times, it makes them hungrier to keep pushing. You may not even know your determination inspires others, but it does. Read more>>
The value that matters most to me is compassion. Compassion lies at the heart of our mission to support children in foster care and the families who care for them. It drives us to provide a safe and nurturing environment for these vulnerable children, to advocate for their needs, and to offer support to the dedicated caseworkers and foster families who serve them. Compassion guides our actions every day, reminding us to see each child as an individual deserving of love, dignity, and to be seen and heard. Read more>>
For my business and personal life I think treating others the way you want to be treated is the most important principle to keep in mind. With work, I’m a home owner too, I don’t want to be lied to by a contractor, or given unrealistic timelines, or have a bunch of hidden costs that weren’t discussed up front so I always try to be honest and clear with my clients. Also, in regards to the quality of the work, if it wouldn’t go in my house it’s not acceptable for a clients home. Read more>>