Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.
Jessica Neumann | Co-Owner & Manager
Seeing happy faces at the aqua park. In today’s world we seem to be busy with so many things and here at the aqua park, we can forget about it all while playing in the water and enjoying the nature around us. Read more>>
Jessica Adaku | Artist & Wellness Enthusiast
My happiness is centered around my art. My art is what makes me whole as a person. It is something that has never abandoned me. It is there when I need it the most. It battles the anxiety and hopelessness I struggle with. It is my comfort, my friend, my love and my whole life. Read more>>
Britton Briley | Founder of Ghost Brands
I think seeing the impact of what Ghost Brands has done between our clients and their customers makes me the most happy. Not just marketing to showcase a task completed but eeeing the fruit of our labor and knowing that we are not only changing out clients lives but their customers as well. The team at Ghost Brands love seeing the influx of traffic, clients KPI’s accomplished, and the community impacted by the result of our work. Whether it be increased leads, retention of customers, revenue, or just overall community involvement – knowing that what we do makes a difference brings me joy everyday. Read more>>