The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
I wanted to provide a business that created quality pet care after all of the horror stories I had heard. I also didn’t feel comfortable leaving my own pets anywhere. Read more>>
I’ve never wanted to be an entrepreneur! I’m fairly risk-averse, and I prefer to know how much money I’m getting and when. Historically, I’ve never done sales well (I couldn’t sell candy for field trips out of fear of bothering people), and my dreams have always been conventional: military or academic. Read more>>
In full transparency, I didn’t really have much of a thought process when starting my business. At the time, I was working full-time in the hospital and just stumbled upon some charcuterie boards online. I’ve always loved bringing platters to friends’ events, so I made one and took it out on the boat with some friends. One of them asked where I bought it, and I laughed and said, “I made it.” That’s when I thought, “Hey, maybe I’ll start a business,” Read more>>
I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and I think from high school age I knew I wasn’t going to fit the mold of someone who had a desk job and worked for someone else in an office all of my life. My grandfather owned his own business and seeing the return on investment when you bet on yourself always felt like the best track because I will never let myself fail (which might not be the best trait!). Out of college I worked for a high-end venue and it was the best way to learn all the ins and outs of weddings and events, after that I worked for another wedding planner but had my own clients so it was the perfect step before starting my own. Read more>>
Everplay Sport & Social Club was started to bring adults together in the community. Participating in sports leagues they grew up playing or may be interested in learning to play. Also, to bring people together to socialize and meet new people in the Columbia area. We offer a variety of sports for all 21 and older to participate in. Kickball, Softball, Indoor Volleyball, Sand Volleyball, Soccer, Pickleball, Dodgeball, Bowling, Cornhole. All our sports leagues are Coed for males and females to come out and participate in. Read more>>
I realize that mushrooms of all kinds, whetherr, medicinal or gourmet where not really easy to find. The first step of our mission is to make mushrooms more accessible people. Mushrooms in fungi in general have a lot to offer beyond that. Even we wanted to be a community center for everything. It has to do with mushrooms and fungi food fashion. Finding them growing them. Education and classes. Read more>>
Well, the first reason is my father. When I was growing up, I remember my father working after-hours in what little free time he had to build his business, which has since paid off, as he is now the co-owner and CTO of a leading software management company. I have so much respect for my father, and his ability to make his dreams become reality through hard work, dedication, and the support of those around him. Because of him, I knew that I always had the option to try to forge my own path. Read more>>
Growing up I was never taught about eating healthy or living a healthy life. Most of my family was always searching for the next fad diet to lose weight. I began to gain weight in my teenage years and by 19 I was feeling uncomfortable in my skin. I started Weight Watchers and really didn’t learn anything about nutrition, but I did learn how to manipulate points to eat my ice cream. I lost about 10 pounds but developed an eating disorder from the weekly weigh in you had to do with WW. That number on the scales determined your success each week and began to determine my happiness each day. I would starve myself all week so I could step on those scales and see a lower number and then binge on the weekends and punish myself on Monday. It was a vicious cycle of under eating and overexercising for years. Read more>>