The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
After graduating from college in 2020, publishing opportunities, and really any job opportunities, were scarce due to the pandemic. I’d spent my whole life preparing for a career in publishing, but if I wanted to get there that year, I knew I needed to pave my own way. Read more>>
The start of my business was to assist me in raising enough money to buy a service dog. I love to paint as a way to express myself. People began to love my paintings and encouraged me to sell them. Each one has love and time put into it. Read more>>
I started working on AshTreeArt in early 2020, right as the pandemic was beginning. I was looking for a new creative outlet to balance the work of my full-time, analytical role as an engineer. Read more>>
The thought process behind the establishment of the non-profit KIND of the Upstate all boils down to two moms on a mission to make this world a kind and inclusive place for their sons with disabilities. Here is their story. Read more>>
I never wanted to do anything else! I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an Artist. I wanted to draw and create things that made me happy and it was always a bonus if it made someone else happy too. Read more>>
I started Styled By Lys partly out of necessity due to the cost of living being so high and my corporate job not paying nearly enough to cover that, and partly because its something I have always loved and been good at. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my own sports agency business was a decision I’ve made a year ago. Although , I’m still a player in the professional basketball industry , I’ve decided to start my own management group because I have a passion on helping players get to the next level. I have been managing my own career since the start as well. Read more>>
Honestly i didn’t have a choice. Ive wanted my own boutique for as long as i could remember! It became such a burning desire deep down in my soul that i couldn’t ignore any longer. Read more>>