We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Ben Burnett | Woodworker & Communicator

Getting active in a sport that I enjoyed. I signed up for a triathlon on a whim and slowly learned how to build my body up to accomplish a goal. The lessons I learned along the way in athletics directly translated to business. Things like goal setting, skill building, and dealing with significant set backs are all things you have to make part of your daily life. Read more>> 

Dawn Maynard | Chiropractor & Children’s Book Author

It is commonly know, chiropractic is helpful for neck and back pain, however what most people don’t know is chiropractic care helps improve and maintain all body functions. When chiropractors make adjustments to your spine, the result isn’t just an endorphin release, it is removing pressure off the spinal nerves which carry all messages from the brain to the body and also feedback from the body to the brain. Chiropractic adjustments improve the vitality of the nerve system which improves all functions of the body’s systems. Read more>>

Yue | Fashion Photographer

I pursue an artistic or creative career because I’ve always believed my creativity should be shown to the world. Growing up, I’ve always been more artistically driven than anything and it’s taught me how to express my creativity through different mediums. I couldn’t see myself doing anything but creating imagery. Once I decided that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life I never looked back. Read more>>