Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
My favorite quote is from Albert Einstein, which is “You never fail until you stop trying.” I love this quote because it works in all areas of life, and nobody is successful right away, despite what you may think or see on social media. Being an entrepreneur is hard, very hard at times. You have great days and bad days just like anything else, but the most important thing is to just keep going. No one knows when their big break is going to be. Just keep trying, day after day. Read more>>
The reason this holds such value to me is because it is used as a way to know someone is telling you the honest truth in my family. If my kids pinky promise me something, I know that what they are saying is true. If they refuse, then that means that they either don’t know or don’t want to tell me the truth. Read more>>
I believe that by teaching people how to heal themselves by wholistic means, they won’t be so reliant on the mainstream healthcare that just creates customers. The mainstream health network only treats symptoms of dis-ease, but never shows the patient how to help themselves, keeping them coming back for more as each side effect of the medications has to be handled with yet another medication. Western medicine has a lot to learn, and society is showing that. Read more>>
I like to revisit this question at least a few times a year. It has a way of getting me re-centered and focused. This is especially true when I seem to be hitting road block after road block. The most important factor behind my success? Getting back up no matter how many times I fall, no matter how hard something is. Persistence. Using my failures as lessons and even at times welcoming them. I do believe this has helped me get to where I am after 20 years of building my brand. Read more>>
Creating art makes me happy, whether it is painting or playing with clay. There is a complete freedom artists feel when they create, it is like listening to our inner voice and finding ourselves. When we can even make a living out of what we create this is the most wonderful blessing that tells us we are on the right track! Read more>>
What makes me happy is the little things in life. When I go hiking with my dog on nature trails, it is a way to recenter me and appreciate all the earth offers. It is great to see him get excited on walking on the trails and discovering new smells or seeing animals we do not get to see often. Small life moments to help make me feel grateful. Read more>>
I can honestly say my most difficult decision was to let go of past actions and activities that I knew was blocking my blessings. I’ve always loved business and being successful with it. I loved the attention and material things it brought. When the obstacles came, it really made me appreciate the things I was neglecting. Living fast and obtaining “things” fast isn’t always the easy way… everyone loves the riches, but few are able to deal with what comes with it. Gratefully and by the grace of God I’ve been able to recognize my flaws and change my situation. Things may not come as easy for me now, but the level of accomplishment and fulfillment that I get from completing a film or photography project is unmatched! My most difficult decision ended up being my best and most rewarding one as well. Read more>>
“I often reflect that Art found me, rather than me actively choosing to become an artist. The pull towards creative expression seemed almost instinctual; I couldn’t help but create, fueled by a love for working with my hands. One vivid memory stands out from my childhood: sneaking into my father’s industrial car paint supplies and adorning the backside of his auto body paint shop with my murals. My parents recognized my innate passion for crafting and promptly enrolled me in drawing and painting classes at a young age. Read more>>