We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.

Yvvey Smith | Entrepreneur & Licensed Hair Braider

I embrace risk with open arms! In fact, I have a tattoo on my arm that reads “Live Fearlessly.” It is my constant reminder to not be afraid to take a chance to create the life I want to live. At times when I second guess myself, I look back at my tattoo and I’m instantly reminded that I believe in me, go all in, and bet it all on myself. Even if things do not turn out as I envisioned, I still have no regrets. The main thing is that I’m being my authentic self and living my life on my own terms. Read more>>

Neaisha Seawright | Cosmetologist

At first risks scared me, I’ve always been a rule follower. I typically like to play it safe. However, when it came to starting my career in the beauty industry that scared mindset didn’t work. I figured out early on that in order to get where/ what i want in life i have To be willing to bet on myself. The biggest risk i took was quitting my full time job to do hair full time. I had no plan at all, i hadn’t even saved any money yet but I took the chance anyway. I’m so thankful that it worked in my favor! Read more>>

Alexis Janeè | The Grand Talk Podcast Founder/Host & Choreographer

I think risk should always be sought after to bring balance to your life without fear or doubt. The role risk taking has played its part in my life and career is that you’ll never know what’s on the other side of the door if you don’t take a leap of faith. What’s meant for you will always be for you until you have that mindset you’ll become fearless! Read more>>

Jessica Foster | Esthetician & Makeup Artist

I view taking risks as an essential part of elevation. In my esthetician career, embracing those risks, like introducing new services or exploring new products, has been the key factor in expanding my skills and clientele. It’s about balancing and calculating moves with the potential for growth and learning from each experience. When I started my career, I was just a makeup artist, I took a risk of going to school to see if I could expand my skill set, and I found out I am actually good at being an esthetician. Now I get to do what i love every single day. Read more>>

Eva Frye Kolb | Artist and Graphic Designer

Taking risks can be scary, but it absolutely gets easier with practice! Speaking up for what is right is an integral part of Time Capsule Design, and that can often feel risky. We are taught to fear rocking the boat – we aren’t supposed to disrupt systems – but we often don’t achieve change and growth without taking risks. This applies both to the art I create and the messages I put out there, as well as business and financial decisions. Making art intended to elicit an emotional response is risky in itself, but it is what draws my audience in and creates a feeling of solidarity and community. Read more>>

Kristen Bollettiero | Designer & Owner at Golden Zen Boutique LLC

The biggest risk is to not take any risks. When it comes to risk, I believe it’s important to find a balance. Taking calculated risks has played a significant role in both my life and career. It has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, embrace new opportunities, and grow personally and professionally. Risk-taking has led me to discover new passions, learn valuable lessons, and achieve goals I never thought possible. It can be scary, but the rewards are often worth it! Read more>>

Cortland Jones | Author, Retired Educator, Empowerment Coach, Speaker

I see risk as an important tool integral in experiencing and enjoying the life we aspire to live and have ambition to experience. At the heart of risk is the hope and belief in what’s possible and the understanding movement and action is required in order to transition from a place of comfort, reservation, and resignation towards the limitless, infinite potential of what can be. Risk is the difference between remaining unfulfilled, dissatisfied, disillusioned, discouraged, defeated, and feeling fulfilled, accomplished, successful, rewarded, progressive, more confident, and empowered. Read more>>

Martinez Finney | Model/Actor/Inspirational Speaker

Embracing risk is like fuel for progress. That “no risk, no rarri” philosophy is spot on—it’s not just about fancy cars, but about reaching places and achievements that come with stepping out of your comfort zone. Swimming with the sharks metaphorically is a bold move, but that’s where the depth and the real opportunities lie. As they say, fortune favors the bold. Read more>>

Jason Misrahi | Entrepreneur & Inclusivity Advocate

Risk-taking has gotten me very far; although I’ve never looked at it as risk taking, I’ve looked at it as choices. As a person with a disability (Cerebral Palsy) the world or the people who influence your world put limitations on you. I can say that I am very fortunate because my family shielded me from a lot of that. I was taught from a young age that the world wasn’t going to change for me. Read more>>

Matthew Cote | SouthEast Account Manager

Esmé Bianco put it best when she said “You can’t get anywhere in life without taking risks”. You have to take risks to advance in life and your career. If you are always playing it safe chances are you are going to stay exactly where you are and never truly reach your full potential. In both my life and my career reach risk that I have taken with positive or negative outcomes has led to where I am today. Read more>>

Samuel House | Songwriter | Producer | Engineer | Author | Speaker

Taking risks played the two most important roles in my career. Some risks brought failure and some brought success. I was blessed to be able to work and be in the room with a lot of industry professionals, labels, artists, producers, and etc. But also taking risks show you the truth and teaches the importance of knowing when it’s the right decision or not. Read more>>

Duncan Therrell | Lead Singer of Lost Foxes

Taking risks is crucial for success. Without it, the band wouldn’t have been able to exist. Starting a new project is always a risk in itself. Every time we release our music, we are uncertain about how the public will react. However, it’s important to have confidence in your work. Regardless of any risks, if you are content with your creation, you should put it out there. Read more>>

Holly Bills | Writer & Founder

Risk, the four-letter word that so many fear and avoid, except perhaps for the adrenaline seekers out there. Entire books have been written on that little word. Now when I think about risk, I am considering two items in particular: an associated timeframe and the type of risk at hand. Read more>>