We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.

Daniel J. Williams | Men’s Mindset & Performance Coach

I’m being truthful and not cliche when I say that it’s by God’s Grace and His plan that I’m doing what I’m doing. I was always able to have an open person and easily found commonalities with anyone which made communicating with anyone not difficult. I tried other businesses that required me to be in a leadership role. Little did I know it was paving the path to where I am now. Helping other men grow, develop, transition, and pivot for a more impactful and influential them. Read more>>


Passion for what we do. I love dogs and think each one deserves a loving home and a safe place to live. They give so much back to us as far a joy and happiness and they say people who have dogs live longer and happier lives. My rescue we strive to help as many dogs as we can. Below is our mission. Read more>>

Joe Craighead | Representational Oil Painter

Continual improvement. To be a small shred better than the day before. I find it essential to always be improving your skills in anything and that is no exception in art,. We live in a world that on one hand says art is subjective and its all about reinventing ways to make a statement and you need a unique idea or concept. It’s almost as if what is written about a painting is where the value is. I don’t completely reject this but as a representational artist I feel its important to say something convincingly. Just because I am painting something that has sentimental value to me doesnt mean it will have visual value to another person. There is also the danger of painting a work just to make the clouds float or the portrait look real and forget to make an exciting, interesting, and meaningful work. So i am personally drawing everyday to improve but also planning and working to make a painting with lots of intention. I don’t think its worthwhile to just throw paint around and say this is how I feel or on the other hand, just render something until it looks like a photograph. So I paint things, places, and people that I love but that’s not enough. I need to be working on my ability to say something visually. Read more>>

Stephon Sanders | CEO, Street Gamez LLC

The most important factor behind my success has been faith. Being blessed with opportunities and others pouring into me is the reason I’ve made it this far. My name has made it into rooms I’ve never stepped foot in because of people believing and investing into me and my dream.My mother and my village is what I credit my success to also, because they keep me grounded and continue to help me on this journey. Read more>>

Cara Hoggood | Hairstylist, Beauty Professional, Beauty Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger, & Content Creator

The typical answer to this is always hard work. However, it is more than that. What has also created success in my entrepreneurial journey is education in your craft, perseverance, patience, attention to detail, diligence, quality customer service, and focus on your goals. Read more>>

Katie Poterala | Custom Jeweler / Jewelry Artist


I approach life and business with the same innate responsibility to being honest, attuned, dependable, and true to my self and to my values. I truly believe that being ‘different’ is something to celebrate and that sentiment runs throughout my business, my life, and my aesthetic as an artist. Read more>>

Kim Johnson | Master Mindset Coach • Creative Strategist • Mastermind Trainer • Executive Leadership Consultant • Author • Podcaster

Believe it or not, success in all areas lies in asking the right questions. I have always been someone who asks a lot of questions, but they weren’t always the most useful ones. I learned early on that if you don’t ask yourself the right questions, you’ll never receive great answers. By asking better, different questions, you can alter your approach to problems, discern nuances that others overlook, and, most importantly, move yourself forward using a creative approach and overall shifting your perspective. This is in stark contrast to the myopic approach that results from the original, limited questions that usually run through our minds. Read more>>