Pivot or Persevere?

To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?
This is a very good question, because there are times where it is ok to give up. Sometimes you begin a task with so much ambition that you overshoot what you are capable of at that time and put yourself in a tough situation. In that case, it is fine to quit, reflect, and plan your next move in order to accomplish that goal. However, to quit or give up for the sake of doing it is not a good mentality to have. Just because something is tough, doesn’t mean you should completely give up. It is the willingness to persevere that defines the character of a person. When you know that you have more to give, don’t stop giving! Read more>>
This is a fine line. As an entrepreneur, when you have put your heart and soul (and time and money) into something, giving up feels like the very last option, if an option at all. Similar to raising a child. For us, it all comes down to calling. We know in our heart of hearts that we have been called to this and walking away would be walking away from our calling and purpose in this world. Read more>>
My great grandmother, Ms. Irene Singleton, always taught me that giving up is NEVER an option. As I grew older, I realize life is extremely hard, which will make giving up being our only option; because we often feel it is too much to bare, too much on our plate, and so stressed that we can’t seem to keep going. But FAITH, believing in yourself, and saying “hey, yes I may have reached a fork in the road, a difficult hurdle to jump across, but if I give up and turn back around, I’m only heading back to square one, exactly where I’ve started from; but if I KEEP GOING, who knows the wonders I’ll embark upon. Why give up today, when tomorrow might be the day you win! Read more>>