To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?

Jennifer Fallon | Marine Detailer and Restoration Owner

Small Business Owners my hats off to my fellow colleagues!! Those who think owning and running a small business let alone a big business is wine and roses are living in fantasy land! I typically hit the reset button once a year on this topic. It’s tough and you need to be strong,focused and organized. I’m in the trade business which seems to be almost extinct these days and hiring the right person is a constant challenge. The days are relatively short, physical and working outdoors in the elements are not for everyone. If you believe in yourself your crew and support system this phase shall too pass. Read more>>

Sabrina Burrell | Food + baker

The question has crossed my mind every day especially post pandemic. This life is maze. At times the process is longer to find the right door to open. It’s like a sheet of ice, so paper thin that I’m praying to get across before the ice cracks and breaks through. As I am on this journey across the ice slip. I remind myself how I survived all the other journeys, and what I had to do to get here. So, when I see the hail storm coming my way, I slightly turn my head across my shoulder to see how far I’ve gotten. In an instant, I transform myself into a 180 position in the direction of attention, peace, prosperity and whole wellness. Read more>>

Amy Valukas | Blogger and Owner of Busias XOXO Mercantile

There are moments in your life that shatter you completely. I had one of these moments on June 2nd of 2023. I had just expanded Always Amy XOXO – The bakery and retail store portion, which is called Busias XOXO Mercantile, I had just opened a brick and mortar location up on May 1st and on June 2nd I lost my husband, John to multiple brain aneurysms. He was my driving force to open this up, we had spent six months building and expanding my brand into our current market and my entire world collapsed. He was the love of my life, my soulmate. I pushed on….I truly believed that he was right there as he always was, cheering me on from his place in the clouds. Read more>>

Kimberly Holmes | Jewelry Artisan & Creator

Balance and choice are the ultimate decision making’s tools I often use when I am feeling over my head. Patience can be a struggle and I assume for others as well when waiting for the right outcome. Quitting is often marked as a negative attribute. Which can be a double edge sword too, right? Either I am going to quit to learn from my letdowns and stop wasting my valuable time and resources or not to quit, so I don’t look like a fool….and maybe things will work out? Sometimes you need to quit doing things so you can learn and grow from the mistakes that you have made, or not to quit to turn those mistakes into success and keep going forward with everything you have. Read more>>

Colleen Dwyer | Mixed Media Artist

If I find myself wanting to give up on art, I focus on the joy and satisfaction that it brings me. I think about why I started creating art in the first place and focus on those feelings. I take a break if needed, but I don’t give up. I try new mediums, experiment with different techniques, and find inspiration in the work of other artists. I find ways to make art more accessible and less intimidating. For example, I might try creating small, simple sketches or taking a break from my usual materials and trying something new. Remember, art is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, and don’t be too hard on yourself. You don’t always have to produce a masterpiece; if you’re not feeling inspired, that’s okay, too. Just keep at it and eventually, you’ll find your creative spark again. Read more>>

Mr. Enlightenment | Poet/Spoken Word Artist

t’s always a tough decision to give up. I don’t think you can ever give up something that you’re passionate about. It’s important to take breaks at times, but as long as you enjoy doing something, you shouldn’t give up doing it. Read more>>

Jon Jones | Professional Photographer

Determining whether to persist or let go of something can be a challenging decision, especially when there’s emotional investment or significant time and effort involved. Here’s a framework to help guide your thinking: 1. Clarify Your Goals: Before deciding, make sure you have a clear understanding of what you’re aiming for. What was your original intent or objective? Are those goals still relevant? 2. Assess Your Progress: Take stock of how far you’ve come. Have you made meaningful progress towards your goal? Sometimes, even if progress is slow, the fact that you’re moving forward can be a sign to keep going. 3. Consider Your Resources: How much time, money, and energy have you already invested? And more importantly, how much more are you willing and able to invest? If you see that you’ll run out of essential resources before achieving your goal, it might be time to reconsider. Read more>>

Anwar Stokes | Professional Photographer

Knowing whether to keep going or give up can be a difficult decision, but here are some factors I like to consider: I ask myself if I still have a genuine passion and interest in what I’m pursuing. If I feel motivated and excited about it, it may be a sign for me to keep going. I assess if I’m making progress and achieving my desired results. It’s important for me to set realistic goals and evaluate my progress regularly. If I’m consistently moving forward, it might be worth continuing. I consider how willing I am to adapt and make necessary changes. Sometimes, I have to alter my approach or I set new strategies that can help lead to my success. If I’m open to learning and adapting, it could be a reason for me to persist. Read more>>

Denise Ladson Johnson BSW,MABC | Executive Director, Teen Life Coach, ACRES Coach, Radio Talk show Host

Thank you this was a great question. This is a question I have asked myself being an entrepreneur at times and not because I want to give up its because I want to know strategic ways to help me keep going.. For me having the passion and the commitment daily to elevate our organization and learn daily are the key things that let me know that I will keep going. I don’t look at obstacles when growing our organization as a time to give up I use those obstacles for growth which allows me to want to keep going. I want to keep going to see the growth doing the work and providing the services that I’m passionate about.. I personally don’t use the term give up because my passion for the work that I do motivates me to seek those strategies to keep going. Read more>>