Never give up. It’s advice that is thrown around daily – but is it always right? We asked some folks we admire about their thoughts around how to know when to give up and when to keep trying

Claudia L. Amezquita | Chef

Keep going as long as the dreams are still there, I do this to fulfill a dream that has become bigger and more real with time, when i first moved to Greenviile, full of hopes and dreams, my current reality was not part of those dreams, its been becoming bigger as time goes by, as I am able to achieve a goal, I find myself shooting for the next step. In my personal experience, as long as what I am doing still brings me joy, I want to keep going, of course I have found myself doubting if it’s a good idea, if it would work, but then when I sit down, look back into the experiences and the growth and how much I have enjoyed it, it feels like the right path. Read more>>

Antonio Harrison | CFO of N’Position Management & Marketing Manager for Grammy Winning Producer Zaytoven

Deciding whether to keep going or to give up is a complex decision that requires careful consideration. First, I revisit my goals to ensure they are still relevant and meaningful. Reflecting on the original purpose can provide clarity and renewed motivation. Next, I assess the progress I’ve made, looking for incremental improvements that indicate I’m on the right track. Seeking feedback from mentors or trusted colleagues is also crucial, as they can offer objective perspectives. Additionally, I reflect on my passion and commitment—evaluating whether I still feel energized and engaged or if I am becoming increasingly drained. Read more>>