We had the good fortune of connecting with Xavier Smith and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Xavier, putting aside the decision to work for yourself, what other decisions were critical to your success?
I’m a man of value and growth so I had to understand, making it to the top would take hard work, dedication & time so the most efficient placement in my life was to get around other like-minded people that would add to my success and show me the benefits of impacting and changing others lives.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My Name is a Xavier Smith and I’m a Intervention Specialist/Case Manager with the Upstate Fatherhood Coalition [Upstate Region.] What set me apart from others is my mindset and how I deliver in my work ethics and communication with others. Growing up I came from a place of being shy and timid so It was hard for me to open up and be around people and feel fully comfortable. As life continued to move ahead and I keep my crowded of people small, I then begin to open up slowly but surely because these people was either doing things that sparked my interest and it allowed me to open up freely or If we had similar traits and we picked it up from one another, time would tell; then we would master a friendship because we understand what we each others going through and dealing with. What I’m most proud and excited about is having a family who cares. someone who pushes me, motivates me, gets on to me, see the best in me; that ‘makes me feel great in the inside’ and I strive to go harder behind this everyday.

How I get to where I am now professionally is 1. Personal Development 2/ Stewardship 3. Balance. without these [3] variables I would continue making sacrifice’s in the wrong places/things and not honoring the fact that God has a true plan for me and its purposely develop for only me. However the task was not easy because I had make corrections in my life to be better to do better and allow separation to drive me into the next elevating stages of my life. How I overcame my challenges was having hearted real conversations with my family, friends, coaches and mentor that truly cared for me and ask the question, How did you where you are in life ? what steps you took? who was your role models or influencers.

In this journey of life, some things I learned along the way is knowing I have a voice I have a gift, I have a creativity craft that can expose me to places, spaces, things ,even people that I had no intentions of meeting or being their at that time.

What I truly want the world to know about me, my brand, and my story is I’m all about changing lives and helping people. When you have a hardstone heart like mines I believe in seeing through people mistakes, disappointments, attitudes, concerns, even doubts and getting right in front of these people to let them; Its Okay, Lets find a realistic solution to fit it and lets remain humble as we get through it .

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would take them to Wheels & Fowls Cigar Lounge or Churchill Bar & Grill. If I t was a week long trip, there will be varies of spots (by selections) that we would visit. a few places to eat would be: Wing Burger City, Waffle House, and El Arriero Mexican Restaurants. Drinking spots could vary just depending on the crowd volume and what type of day & event is going on. Hangout spots would be: The Parks/Lakes, Movies, The Local Mall, The Gym.

Honestly for me, I’m a business driven guy so anywhere a business workshop/conference/expo or day event is happening where I can get feed some knowledge and I can go meet new people, I’m so down for it.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would first like to shoutout and give the glory to God. Without his mercy, Grace, and voice; I wouldn’t have gotten this far. Secondly I would like to shoutout my mother, my sister, my grandparents & my circled support of friends (now family) and my business partners.

Organizations/Groups Shoutout:
•Kind Mentoring
•Upstate Fatherhood Coalition.

There are some many more individuals I could name for recognition but I would like for them to know to keep being the up root leaders that God called them to be and always remember greatness is within.

Instagram: 1.KindMentoring (Business) 2. Personal (King_za96) 3. Podcast (Incredibleconvopodcast)

Linkedin: Xavier Smith

Facebook: 1. Xavier Q Smith (Personal Page.) 2. Kind Mentoring (Mentoring Company.) 3. Incredible Convo Podcast (Podcast Company)

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Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.