Meet Whitney Shea | Owner of Green Space Plant Co.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Whitney Shea and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Whitney, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
When I first launched Green Space, my idea was to bring plants to the people. To be able to travel to different markets and events and bring the greenery to the community. As the business grew it expanded and evolved. We took all of the request of our clients into consideration. We started by added local locations to shop, home consultations and workshops. As the demand grew, we knew we needed to find the right space to expand into and take a new step in broadening our concept. Just like all of my pervious ideas, this one hit me as well- why not put all of my favorite things in one place. I wanted to create a space that was not only meant for shopping and socializing but also trying to new experiences and building community.
What should our readers know about your business?
Green Space is transitioning from being a solely mobile plant store to a tropical destination for plant and wine lovers alike. I wanted to create a space that was both vibrant and exciting while simultaneously an oasis retreat. When I had the idea to marry two things that I love (plants and wine) I knew it would be just that. I think this concept is exciting because it hasn’t existed in the is way before. I’m excited to see my vision come to life and be able to share it with our community. I have joked with my husband that we didn’t just take the road less traveled, we took the path that full of potholes, detours and rough terrain but I am grateful that we did. It’s no secret that being an entrepreneur and small business owner is hard, so doing it with no business experience proved to have its challenges. There have been endless struggles and some hard lessons learned. Through it all a consistent theme has remained- if you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We are big time local lovers. There is so much to see and do within York County alone! That’s one of the many reasons we love living here.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Naming who deserves recognition in my business journey feels somewhat like an actress naming everyone in their career after they’ve won an Oscar. There are a lot of people who have played a role in my success both big and small but there are some that come to mind that have been with me for the long haul. Being able to utilize two local organizations, Winthrop SBDC and The Gravity Center to help make connection and gain more business knowledge has been a great resource. My husband and family deserve a lot of credit on this journey. Not only have they have done manual labor, road trips and markets; they have also provided endless love and support on the good days and bad. Sarah Vining, owner of The Hickory Post, who I met by chance in the summer of 2021 has been instrumental in providing experience, support and encouragement that has helped me grow to where I am today.
Instagram: @green_space_plantco
Facebook: Green Space Plant Co.
Image Credits
Hannah Billingsley Photography