Meet Susie & Nick Help Humanity Heal | Vocal alchemist energetic frequency sound healer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Susie & Nick Help Humanity Heal and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Susie & Nick Help Humanity Heal, how does your business help the community?
I have created a unique frequency sound healing business to help raise the vibration in humanity. Through my journey that keeps continuing to evolve, I have become a vocal alchemist energetic frequency healer. Not with just this alone. This came to me as a purpose to make a difference in the life’s of others. To assist in guiding leading and teaching others how to align themselves go within and heal their own bodies and the steps on how to do so. Understanding the dark truth if what has been done to humanity through frequency control sound vibration, how it effects the right and left sides of the brain and causes a misalignment in our bodies creating a low vibrational frequency that leaves many in stress trauma worry depression, fear anxiety state. Never having peace and calm never being able to properly process their own trauma and pain. Most people do not know that frequency and every vibration is the epicenter of what we are as huemans. We are spectrums of a love light vibrational frequency. We are energetic light beings gifted amazing and special and we carry a vibration of love within all of us. We respond positively or negatively considering the vibrational state that are body is in. When we live in worry stress and fear negative tv music movies food etc, we live in a lower frequency vibration causing a painful emotional roller coaster of the mind typically physical aliments and soul disruption. When we live listen absorb and ingest more positive things we live in a more peaceful happy calm enlighted state of mind. It literally is what we feed our bodies. If we feed our bodies fast junky food processed crap, watch negative news, negative tv and movies listen to negative music, we are going to have a negative outcome low vibration of everything around you. If we change that and listen to high vibration music positive enlightening shows movies etc, healthy food as natural as possible being mindful what you absorb into your body, take care of yourself by showing self love and care for your mind body and soul you will have a beautiful high vibrational happy peaceful life and break free of the mind control matrix that humanity has been enslaved into. This is why I found my purpose in teaching guiding and leading others how to raise their vibration through sound healing. Teaching the different chakra systems and how they are connected to the frequencies that align the two hemispheres of the brain to balance out our life. I use my voice as a tool to reach the frequencies of the hueman body. I saw HUEman because we are the rainbow frequency of unconditional love just like the colors of our rainbow. red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet. These are the same 7 major chakras in our body that make up who we are through hue color frequency. This is also the same colors emitting from the sun daily that you can only see with the naked eye when it rains and there is reflections in the clouds bouncing back. These are the colors that come into our hueman vessels daily. In 1953 there was a patent done world wide to change the Solfeggio tones of frequency in a ll sound. aka music movies TV aka Tell A Vision. They show you what they want you to see to keep your vibration low so you don’t discover how amzing you really are and that you are meant to be a free sovereign hueman being . Our natural healing frequencies used to be 432 hz which is the natural healing frequencies of the hueman body to heal mind body and soul. They changed them to 440hz To create a misalignment in the right and left hemisphere of the brain. Causing a large majority of the right brain to be automatically shut down. Your music industry knows all about these secrets. They did it to put humanity into a mind control slave mentality. To keep the work side the follow orders side the divine masculine side which is the side every person is individual and for themselves, not that we are truly connected as one through God source energy consciousness. They did it To shut of the true intuition, connection, creativity, the oneness that we are all connected as one unified consciousness that we have gifts purpose and abilities. As Bob Marley says famously Emancipate yourself from mental slavery for only you can free your mind. PS he refused to changed the frequency in his music. His music was a healing gift to the world in a very dark time. I was called to a mission here to help humanity. The quartz crystal singing bowls I sing and play with are the ancient powerful divine healing frequencies that have been missing for a very long time to help humanity heal this is why I named my business just that. Hint This is also why the bells were removed in WWII they knew they emitted healing frequencies thats why they were all destroyed. We are also starting our workshop podcast in Jan of 2025 to start to not only play the healing frequencies, but also teach what has been done to humanity and how to truly start your healing journey the right way and be able to stay there.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
We want to travel the world and teach the hidden truth knowledge and secrets how to go within and change your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have just partnered with a local business to offer vocal sound bath healing sessions and events. we are also traveling to other states to offer larger scale sound bath healing and teachings of why we do what we do and how you can take control of your own vibrational frequency raise your vibration healing journey and change your life for the better. The podcast we are starting in January will also be an informative workshop to teach the breakdown from the beginning of what has happened to humanity, how did it get to this point and how do we truly change it to better our own life and together better the world. To bring us together as one as we have always supposed to have been. It will be like starting school again because lets face it most of what you have been taught since childhood is a big fat lie to keep humanity in a mind controlled state of being. I mean take a peek at the world if you are any bit of awake and your eyes are open my friends you are starting to see the truth being peeled back layer by layer. So what we would love for the world to know is it is time to learn your truth learn to heal yourself and be apart of the change in humanity and the world for the betterment of all mankind. I was called to be a healer here to guide lead and teach to the best of my ability. To sing play and awaken the divine blueprint of unconditional love frequency in each and every one of you because we truly are one. You are not meant to be dead while you are still alive you are not a zombie you are a vibration of unconditional love and light that has been asleep and lost for a long time and it is ok it is time to bring you back heal the right way and truly have your heaven on earth as you were meant to do here. The key is inside of you. It is your choice to unlock the prison cell or stay in it.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I love anything to do with being outdoors and in nature. Here we have so many options from the mountains to the ocean I would make a trip to both quite honestly. Also finding all the best nature walk spots rivers, creeks and some of my favorite restaurants would definitely include street tacos, mexican and sushi planning a weekend at a Art of living retreat center where we can be in nature connect with other like mind individuals do yoga meditate and align our inner self mind body spirit and soul.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I would like to give a shout out to everyone in my life that has crossed my path. Through lessons of love, guidance mentorship to the ones that taught me pain, heartache, struggles, trauma, loss, hurt They have taught me the most valuable lesson in the world. Self love. SInce a little girl I wanted to be enough, loved, special, wanted. I went out to seek it in everyone but myself. Through my experiences I found The love didn’t always come from another and you can’t truly unconditionally love another if you don’t love yourself. Once alone several times, I had to learn to love myself. Once I learned to love me I found how special I am how I was more than enough and how much I truly loved myself. I learned to value and appriciate who I was, and that the ugly things in life I’ve endured do not dofein the person I could become. That if I stay in a low vibration victim mentality looking to find anyone or anything to save me I would always be just that a victim that needs saving. You see it is within your darkest moments that you make a choice. Do you stay in the dark and suffer in your own prison cell of pain for the rest of your life, or do you stand up dust yourself off and turn on your own light learn your power your purpose find the beauty in your pain find the purpose of why you exist in your pain and turn it into your power. Raise your vibration and change your own life.
Other: Tik Tok