We had the good fortune of connecting with Scotty K. and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Scotty, what matters most to you?
Resilience. You have to learn how to tell yourself no, and keep going. Anticipate the no, but make sure you’re the only person that tells you that first.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Someone called me Mr. Karaoke once. I took that personal, and decided to do it all. I can create to so many genres, and perform them. My writing is a mesh of rap and songwriting, and that gives it a little different taste then something you’d find on the shelf. It’s developed, it’s adjusted, and chiseled away.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I’m very much a water person, so my time would be spent at Lake Jocassee, free-diving off of some of the swimming spots out there. As far as downtown, if you want something nice and fine to sit down at, my spot is definitely CORAL, hands down. If it’s late night and my friends and I have been bar hopping, you MUST stop at Bertolo’s for pizza at the window. *Chef’s Kiss* And Sunday’s for football season, we all go to Hall of Fame. The best Sunday atmosphere, and even better people. The wait staff there is awesome, fun and so caring. They really take care of us, we love them.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Really just here in Greenville SC, there’s an awesome musical community. Artists and Fans really come together when there’s music to be heard. There’s also a large portion of that community that is willing to step further with you in any way they can help. Whether it’s advice or a venue, or merch, or business help, there’s always someone who can do it, and is willing to do it. Those are the ones who built this with me. One of my good friends, Justin Irick, was there at the start, and really was my only way of visually presenting myself to the audience. He really reinforced the foundation of what I do. Also, Sheila Merck was really influential for me, even in the short moments we’ve had that she’s been able to impart some gems on me. She’s always sold it straight. It really helped establish my live performance work ethic. And of course my bandmates, Harley Richter, and Bennett Ballew. Without them, I couldn’t have gone any further than just streaming. Really gave me the opportunity and position to make this as good as it’s gotten in a whole different realm.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/therealscottyk

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Scottyk864

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealscottyk

Other: Spotify: https://hyperfollow.com/scottyk?fbclid=IwAR0blCw3UvGzrUOmtGUZUCOOmA9m88zFlQNy5SKz5VDGICeOoCgH9EBxiXM

Image Credits
Justin Irick/Irick Images

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.