Meet MK Collings | Romance Fiction Author

We had the good fortune of connecting with MK Collings and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi MK, as a parent, what have you done for you children that you feel has had the most significant impact?
The most important thing I’ve been able to teach my children is the value of working hard and never giving up on your dreams, even when things get tough. I have a 14-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son who have watched me—and supported me—since day one as I chase my dreams and push through to make them become a reality.
In the fictional author field, there is a light side and a dark side, just like there is in my debut novel Light Angel. The key is to stay in the light, the positive side, and not cave to the speed bumps and harsh criticisms of others. Only by staying in the light will you succeed and meet amazing people along the way. You will be able to bring your dreams to life and become successful.
I’ve shown my children that when you want to succeed, it’s not a competition with others. Don’t be afraid to create friendships and network with people in your field. You can support one another, learn from each other, and everyone can succeed together.
Ultimately, along this journey, I’ve been open and transparent with my children so they see both the good and bad sides of being a self published author. If I’d only shown them the rewards, but not the hurdles I’ve needed to overcome, they would give up on their own dreams when times get tough. Because giving up is easy to do…but nothing beats the feeling of making your dreams come true. I pray one day they will be able to make their own dreams come true.
Please tell us more about your art. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
I write Paranormal Romance Designed by Destiny, Fate, and Karma. Becoming an author wasn’t my plan, but owning a business was a dream of mine. I started with making my own natural remedies after my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I switched my deodorant and many other products to natural alternatives. Eventually, friends and family showed interest and would purchase them. I loved sharing my creations with others to help their overall health, but having a business isn’t easy. With products like these, there were too many risks to go wide with them. Not pursuing this business wasn’t something I felt I failed at, it just wasn’t the right path for me to take.
Later in my life, I was in the process of entertaining some book friends of mine when a story began to evolve and the creative floodgates I once had as a child burst wide open. This was the birth of my debut novel, Light Angel, along with many other story ideas. Writing felt right. This new journey of my life was exactly what I’ve been working towards. I knew I didn’t want this to be a hobby, but a career, so I went all in. I did my research, I learned from the regrets of others in my field, and I spent the next 3 years networking and building my business from the ground up, all while managing a full-time job and family. Many times, I wanted to give up. What got me through was that strong voice inside telling me I was placed on this path for a reason. My support group is invaluable. They lift me up and push me past any doubts or fears that creep in.
My stories are unique and original, my reviews alone reflect how refreshing they are. They provide readers a chance to escape the real world into a supernatural romantic suspense that makes them question their own journeys. Helping them heal from the demons they battle. Showing them that light always prevails in the end. Even if life deals them a crappy hand, they have the ability to make the necessary changes to survive it, to become stronger, and find the path they are meant to be on.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I would take my friend to Hilton Head, SC. Before leaving for the island, we would stop off at Nectar Farm in Bluffton where we would enjoy a delicious meal. Then we’d continue the day at the Tanger outlet mall. We would go souvenir shopping, grab some dessert, and explore while chatting. By the time we make our drive to the island in the dark, a full moon would show my friend just how magical the area becomes. We would stop at the beach where we could dip our toes in the sand as the moon’s reflection off the ocean lit up the sky. The rest of our days would be spent exploring the island. Between a Kayak tour on Broad Creek, to Ziplining at Adventure right next door, we would have the time of our lives.
I’d save the best for last and we’d end our trip with a boat tour to visit the Vanishing Islands. The trip would show my friend just how the warm breeze caresses their skin and the occasional wave cools off the heat from the sun. The stunning view of the water, the shores, and the occasional dolphin would leave my friend stunned. Showing them a strong sense of peace.
Visiting the Vanishing Islands is an adventure on its own. Wading through the waters and walking the exposed sandy hills for treasures would provide an experience that isn’t something you can experience anywhere else. It’s also one of the rare places you can capture someone walking on water. It’s truly my favorite place to visit and I wouldn’t be able to think of another place I’d rather experience with my best friend.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My Dream Team deserves a HUGE Shoutout. Blye Donovan and Nina Bloom are not only amazing author friends, but they’ve become more than that over the years. We each contain a set of skills, a puzzle piece. When we come together, our pieces fit perfectly to complete the most beautiful masterpiece to share with the world. It doesn’t matter that we all write different subgenres, we help one another through our writer’s block, through imposter syndrome, with concerns about the success of our businesses, and any barriers that arise in the art of creating worlds out of nothing. These ladies and I have created a partnership, a Dream Team, where we all strive and support one another. Between Blye, Nina, my editor, and two best friends, I know my business will be a success and I’ll continue to keep my career from becoming a job. I get to love what I do.