We had the good fortune of connecting with Miss Meka G and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Miss Meka, what is the most important factor behind your success?
The most important factor behind Beyond your Reflection is when I had to have a real-life discussion with myself about myself, about how to deal with life when life starts taking you in a direction that you don’t want to go. I was in a very dark period of my life back in 2016. 2 years after that, I started my business. I didn’t have anyone to go to about what I was going through, so I decided to tell myself that it was time to change the narrative. In the midst of me going through things, my friends and family would ALWAYS come to me because I was the glue that would be able to hold things together. The voice of reason. The one who was able to help everyone else push through except myself. Once I started having those self reflection conversations, I decided to turn my purpose into my passion. I am a certified life coach under the leadership of Coach Joseph Pridgen. With his leadership, I was able to turn my business into a brand. I started a Youtube channel 2 years ago, to be able to reach people who are out there like me, maybe struggling like me, and don’t see the way through. I have such a passion for helping others, because I was able to first hold myself accountable. So once you’re able to look Beyond your Reflection, you’ll be able to see your true self, the most beautiful parts of you. Once you see it, others will too.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My tenacity, is what sets me apart from others. Lord knows life has gotten on my reserve nerves, but the pain is what applied the pressure for me to push through. My mother used to always tell me that ” Just because you can’t see away, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one”, and that is what keeps me going. There are times when I have no idea if it’s going to work, or how to work, but I don’t let that stop me. Faith, without works is dead, and I’m still here.

Life isn’t easy. It’s whatever you make it. So a man thinkth, so is he. I think I can. So I will… and I AM!! Everyone is going to go through dark phases, but use the light that shines from within and you can walk through that valley.

I was the lesson, because during each thing I went through in life, was teaching me what to do, and what not to do. I have tried to commit suicide several times in my life, and each time God said no. I thought that ending it all was the solution, when all that I’ve been through was my story for others, not me. So I turned my tribulations into testimonies Once I looked beyond the surface, and dugged deep within, that’s when I was able to pull out the things that didn’t belong, and insert the things that did, which was self love. I belong here, and so do you. Don’t know what your story is, until you script it.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

I’m a social introvert 

So, my go-to places would be a jazz bar. The Art gallery here.  The film festivals that are held at the Independent Picture

House theater, which is one of my favorite things to do. I  would go eat at Red Ginger hibachi bar in Uptown. You have to  stay at the Omni Hotel and take a view of the city on their  rooftop pool bar. There’s so much to do and see here in the  city, but it doesn’t take much to have a memorable moment.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I would like to give a Shout Out to my life coach/mentor Pastor Joseph Pridgen. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a life coach (Thanks to Iyanla Vanzant ) but didn’t know who, or how to go about it, and I found him on social media. Each session was life opening. It helped me to apply our everyday living, into how to operate in life. It was the best investment into myself that I could have ever made.

Website: www.josephpridgen.com

Instagram: Beyond your Reflection

Facebook: Tameka Green/ChosethePoet

Youtube: beyondyourreflection2018

Image Credits
All photo creds are from me…. Meka Green

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.