We had the good fortune of connecting with Maxx Variant and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Maxx, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Early 2023 I decided to metaphorically kill myself. No. Seriously. I ripped and shredded any form or essence that was (My dead name) from the internets entire existence, and started out completely fresh. While doing that was a chore and a completely out of my comfort zone decision, it led me to my current and most famed aesthetic, studio work. I went from the photographer that ONLY shot outside and battled with harsh and humid conditions whilst dressing my models in the most ridiculous and sick makeup designs and costumes, to becoming a photographer that has the tools and safety to make each session more comfortable for the model than the last. Last year I also completed a short film that summed up my thought process into a lore driven cyberpunk storyline, for those older fans of mine that wanted an explanation as to where I went, and what happened, almost like a catch up, From there I recreated everything, my design, me aesthetic, my editing, and even started creating original ideas instead of projects based on something that had already been created.

I knew there was something artistic forming in the distance in 2021, as I had a word stuck in my brain for the longest time, “AVARION” which I thought was a cool name for a project. It later formed into “VARIANT” which became my last name apart of my business, “MAXXVARIANT.”

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I could give you a million and one inspirational quotes to go off of, but if there’s one thing I could say to any artist, it’s, “Don’t stop creating.” In my career, I’ve constantly had to battle Imposter Syndrome, and not ever truly making it to the big leagues, getting my name out there, and that alone has dwindled me to even create. I had dealt with a serious case of imposter syndrome for 2 years while constantly trying to figure out who I even was, while second guessing my art. Upon reaching 2024, I was able to finally overcome it by simply saying to myself “lets just create with people, and see where it takes us.”

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Camden S.C. in my opinion isn’t known for quite a lot of fun activities, unless you enjoy walking, eating at a few nice restaurants, or horseback riding. I may in fact be the only person in all of Camden creating what I’ve been creating, which I guess makes me sort of special. Columbia S.C. is a better spot for anything fun you may be looking for. Tons of places to visit, photograph, hangout at, and experience.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
When creating my business, I had always been a fan of such photographers as, HARRIS NUKEM, and VANDERGOFF. The way their talents shine through a majority of photographers editing, is the way that they are able to paint their models as if they were a museum piece. When I first discovered each photographer, I quickly looked up every single tutorial I could possibly find to replicate each of the styles. When I tell you, NOTHING, could compare to what they were putting out, I was destined to try and recreate their aesthetic but through my photos. The editing style even to this day, is a profound mystery to me, as they can singlehandedly take in a model and turn them into a soft but textured graphic novel appearing character.

However, both photographers inspired me to enhance my editing skills and match up a similar aesthetic output, thus giving me the boost to create more art, and go forward with the skills I was able to learn and use, even if they aren’t exactly like each photographers styles.

I don’t want to go into large detail about who’s helped me get to this point, but I will say some of my amazing makeup artists, my future fiancee, and local photographers have both assisted me in this artistic process of becoming something even better than what I was before.

My makeup artists include; Kelsey Ann Baker, Lee Paul, Madison Lee, and Cara Bebop, as well as photographers such as Andy Nuss, Noah Green, Justin Collins, & Jalen Washington

Website: https://www.maxxvariant.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maxxvariant/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090677550524

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpHPlZa9ESqDjTkLBUrG6UA

Image Credits
First picture – Rain
Second – Noah Johnson
Third – Parker Lang
Fourth – Peter Dasher
Fifth – Lin Marando
Sixth – Scott Freiberg
Seventh – Nori Noir
Eighth – Ian Kerbow

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.