We had the good fortune of connecting with Liz Love and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Liz, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
The genesis of Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy took root years ago when I co-founded a writer’s group known as, The Speakeasy Sisters. Together with three other women and a few others, we would gather weekly in our living rooms. During these gatherings, we would write, share our latest poems, and provide feedback to each other. Gradually, we began performing spoken word at local venues, which not only brought us closer but also deepened our appreciation for the art form. The idea to start my own business, Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy, sprang from these foundational experiences. The concept was simple yet profound: replicate the supportive and welcoming atmosphere of our small group on a larger, more inclusive scale. I wanted to dismantle the notion that spoken word is an elite or niche community and open it up to anyone interested in expressing themselves through poetry.
My overarching goal with Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy is to democratize the field of spoken word poetry. I believe that everyone has the potential to be a poet, that within each of us lies verses waiting to be written and voices waiting to be heard. By bringing the speakeasy to various locations, I aim to create spaces where individuals can discover and nurture their poetic talents. It’s about helping the poetry find its way out, letting people see that they, too, can be spoken word artists, and fostering a community that thrives on shared expression and mutual respect.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I began writing poems and stories when I was in junior high school, with all the angst that comes from that age. My writing became my secret garden and took many shapes back then. I never let anyone read my work. I wrote about dark things and light things, in many different forms. I took creative writing classes in college. Which helped hone my work and made me feel more confident about sharing work with others. As life unfolded, my poetry became a bridge, connecting me to friends and family during times of joy and sorrow, offering comfort and understanding. Fifteen years ago, when I formed The Speakeasy Sisters and began performing spoken word, I found the greatest release in sharing my work on stage. The support in the spoken word community is unmatched. I really wanted to figure out a way to share this type of vibe and this kind of community with more people. So, I came up with the idea Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy. Because, I believe that everyone can write and share spoken word poetry. It is accessible. Unlike many other art forms, you don’t need special training or tools. All you need is a pen and your vulnerability. Anyone can write poetry and probably should; Poetry is important. Giving voice to our real and raw emotions, is important. That is my goal with the Traveling Speakeasy. To show everyone they can and should write poetry. When you come to my Intro to Spoken Word class, you will leave with a poem. And, hopefully, have experienced standing on stage, sharing it. It is nothing short of, magical.
Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy can show up anywhere; Home parties, craft stores, coffee shops. We hope to evolve into offering workshops, jam sessions, and poetry slams. Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy is more than just a platform for spoken word; it’s a sanctuary for the soul, a gathering place where voices, no matter how soft or powerful, find their echo and resonance. What sets this initiative apart is its commitment to creating intimate, transformative experiences that aren’t just heard but deeply felt. Each event is curated to not only showcase spoken word but to foster a sense of community and personal connection, making art accessible and deeply personal.
I am particularly proud of how the Speakeasy has become a conduit for healing and expression. Watching individuals from all walks of life share their stories, revealing their vulnerabilities and triumphs, has been profoundly rewarding. The magic that happens when people connect through the power of words is what excites me the most.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the power of authenticity. Staying true to my vision and voice, even when it was tempting to conform to more mainstream expectations, has been crucial. This authenticity has not only shaped my art but has also resonated with my audience, helping to build a community that seeks and supports genuine expression.
I want the world to know that Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy is a testament to the power of spoken word to connect us to our deepest emotions and to each other. It’s a reminder that everyone has a story worth telling, and that art can be a powerful catalyst for understanding and change. The Speakeasy is not just my story, t’s a compilation of all the stories that have graced its stages, a mosaic of human experience, celebrated through the beauty of words.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If my best friend were visiting, I’d be thrilled to show them the charms of Greenville and its surroundings, crafting a week filled with unforgettable experiences. Here’s how we’d spend those seven days: We’d kick off our adventure with a fun little scavenger hunt for the brass ‘Mice on Main’. As we explore, we’d duck into various shops, soaking up the local scenery. Lunch would be at Bertolo’s for some of the best pizza downtown, followed by a stroll to Pomegranate on Main for a taste of Persian flavors for dinner. I’d share my secret spot in Falls Park, perfect for a quiet moment between friends. We’d cap the evening off with some live music at The Velo Fellow, raising our glasses in a toast to the start of a great week.
We’d spend the next couple of days in my hometown, Woodruff, starting with a laid-back morning at Craft Savvy’s, my go-to spot for creativity and community. It’s the perfect place to relax, catch up, and enjoy some local crafts and boba tea.
A day of sunshine and laughter awaits as we float down the Tyger River, a beloved summer tradition for my family. It’s the best way to cool off and enjoy the natural beauty of our area, floating and chatting the day away.
We’d dedicate a day to hiking in Jones Gap State Park, trekking to Rainbow Falls. ( And, boy is it a TREK!) The hike is not just about the destination but the journey, lush greenery, the sound of the river beside us, and the spectacular waterfalls that seems like something out of a movie.
We’d spend our last day revisiting any spots my friend loved or trying out cafes and small local eateries we might have missed. It’s a day for relaxing, reflecting on our adventures, and planning when we might do it all over again.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
The Shoutout series truly resonates with me because my journey has been richly shaped by incredible people whose support has been indispensable. First and foremost, I must express my deepest gratitude to my husband, Jeff Straub. Jeff has been my steadfast supporter, my greatest encourager, and an unwavering fan of my work. He believed in my potential even when I doubted myself, and his support has been a cornerstone of my achievements.
Also, a special shoutout is due to my poetry partner, The Poetic Mojo. She’s been a pillar of strength and support from the very beginning. Fifteen years ago, she co-founded the writers’ group with me, and since then, she has been instrumental in helping with poetry classes and gracing our events as a special guest. Her energy and dedication have been pivotal in bringing our shared vision to life.
Lastly, a warm shoutout to Savannah Watson at Craft Savvy’s. Savannah’s open mindedness to my idea was a game-changer for me. Her charming shop has become not only my favorite hangout spot but also the perfect venue for the Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy. Her support has helped to elevate our platform and expand our reach within the community.
Each of these individuals has played a crucial role in my journey, and I am immensely thankful for their love, encouragement, and belief in my work. They truly deserve recognition for their contributions to my story and the success of Liz Love Traveling Speakeasy.

Website: https://www.lizloveworld.com

Instagram: @lizloveworld

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LizLoveWorld

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.