We had the good fortune of connecting with KJ Helton and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi KJ, what habits do you feel play an important role in your life?
I feel like one the biggest habits that has helped me succeed is working to get better each day, even if its just 1% or even a half percentage… its still better than yesterday. Often times when we are working towards something we care about we can get lost in the process and feel as though something should shake overnight.. or in a week and when it doesn’t you get discouraged or some people even quit. There has been a lot of ups and downs during this process, and sometimes I don’t always have the motivation to get everything done, but I prioritize some of the most important tasks and cross them off the list. Even if its 1-2 tasks, again its better than nothing, and I’m a little closer than I was yesterday.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Professionally, I don’t have a career yet. I graduated in 2021, and from graduation I was determined to get this brand off the ground, so I never really applied to jobs. But over the last 2 years I have been building valuable relationships and learning skills that I can utilize for the foreseeable future. I’ve worked with Maaly Raw, grammy nominated producer as his Brand Manager and Assistant. I’ve worked with several small businesses in my community as a Social Media Manager helping them grow their online presence. With my own brand, I have gotten my products a part of the last 2 NBA Allstar weekends, outfitted all players in the Duffy’s Hope Celebrity Charity All Star game for the last 2 years, collaborated with pro basketball player BJ Johnson on his own signature sock, to name a few. Im not sure if there is a job out there where I’d be able to get that type of experience, so even though I don’t have much of a professional career I have done a lot, seen a lot, and thought about a lot of things that my peers haven’t.

I don’t want to make it seem as though Im saying that you dont need a job, because I’m actually currently looking for one myself as I continue to build my brand. I’ve really learned over this past year the importance of capital… and until you’re able to get funding you’re gonna need to be that capital. If you don’t have a source of money to build what you’re doing, buckle down and get a job for a little bit. Doing this without a job, not knowing when your next influx of money will be when you have bills due isn’t a good feeling. That teaches you a lot of lessons also because you’re put in situations where you have to get stuff done so you find a way. But its stressful, if you’re in my position right now keep your job or find a job and stay down until you have enough saved you’re fully comfortable to go all in.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to give a shoutout to my Mom for all of the help and support that she has provided over this journey. Throughout this journey, she’s always been in my corner helping me wherever I need it. Whether its moral support, her introducing me or my product to a potential customer, or to someone who can help me move the needle, assisting with any production if I need, and so many more things that I can go on and on about. Some may think like she’s your mom of course she’d support but I know people who’s Mom’s aren’t like mine and for that I’m eternally grateful. Thank you for everything that you do, and that you will do, I promise it’ll all pay off soon.

Website: www.ks0ks.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/ks1of1

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