We had the good fortune of connecting with Kim Johnson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kim, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
Believe it or not, success in all areas lies in asking the right questions. I have always been someone who asks a lot of questions, but they weren’t always the most useful ones. I learned early on that if you don’t ask yourself the right questions, you’ll never receive great answers. By asking better, different questions, you can alter your approach to problems, discern nuances that others overlook, and, most importantly, move yourself forward using a creative approach and overall shifting your perspective. This is in stark contrast to the myopic approach that results from the original, limited questions that usually run through our minds.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I am an executive mindset coach, creative strategist, author, and podcaster. It’s really interesting to reflect on how I arrived at this point.

Initially, I owned a small advertising agency and thought I was heading in a completely different direction. Then, many years ago, I attended a Tony Robbins event, and it transformed my entire world. I went to the event riddled with anxiety, hoping to find help for myself. What ended up happening was beyond my expectations. I worked for him for 17 years, immersing myself in the study of mindset and emotions. It was definitely not an easy road to where I am now; however, I don’t believe success is a straight line. It’s more like a ball of yarn—twisted and long. Nothing about it was easy, but it was certainly interesting! And because I kept asking myself the right questions, I continually found new opportunities.

The most significant lessons I’ve learned, which continue to influence my life, are to never stop believing in yourself. You can achieve far more than you think. Always ask the right questions, and if you’re unsure, keep asking until you find the question that changes everything. KEEP LEARNING.

Having coached for over 49,000 hours, what amazes me the most is my consistent passion for it. I am fully engaged with my clients, and it’s a mutual recognition. Even after all this time, I love it every day and look forward speaking with them always. This is not only a business for me, it’s their lives we are working on and I don’t take that lightly. I may be the only person they can or will confide in and that keeps me on my toes.

Being creative has helped me build my brand, melding all the components of my life: coaching, writing, teaching, farming, and my family. My podcast, ‘Good Morning From the Chicken Coop,’ reaches people in 20 different countries, and I have the unique opportunity to record it daily from inside my chicken coop! My video recording studio is situated right off of my gardens. Through my photography around the farm, I teach others to be in the moment, all from my little corner of the world. It is a creative dream come true for me.

I am most proud of the fact that over 90% of my clients have been with me over 3 years, with 9 of them over 10 years and 1 that has been with me since I started 27 years ago! That is really unheard of in this industry. I also don’t advertise for clients as they are all coming from referrals. My clients stay with me, trust me with others and It truly reminds me of how blessed I am with all of them.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well, that’s a tough one! Everything here is wonderful. My family and I are very into the outdoor life, so we would take them to the Ace Basin for hiking and bird watching. We would also take them to Bull’s Island on the ferry and hike the island, visiting the Boneyard. Magnolia Plantation and the Audubon Swamp are definite must-sees, as well as the Donnelly Wildlife Refuge. All of these places are truly gems, available to those willing to be adventurous. For food, it would definitely be Harken Café because it’s absolutely adorable and delicious. Swig and Swine for the best BBQ in Charleston. And, of course, we’d hit all the walking streets downtown for the photo opportunities they offer. This city is one of my most favorite places on the planet, and we are blessed to live here.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My dad. He was a constant force right up until he passed away, constantly making sure I understood that I was entirely responsible for my successes and failures. He empowered me by telling me that I could create anything I chose to, regardless of what I was hearing from others. No matter how difficult it was, he would always assure me that he knew I would figure it out. That belief has become a part of who I am.

Website: https://mindsetwithkim.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindsetwithkimjohnson/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlylowejohnson/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindsetwithkimjohnson/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@goodmorningfromthechickencoop

Other: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gmfromthechickencoop https://www.amazon.com/Whos-Driving-Your-Bus-challenge/dp/0578572362

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.