We had the good fortune of connecting with Kevin Holliday and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kevin, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I think most any creative will answer this the same way… we create because we MUST create. It is both what I am and who I am as an individual. The art I create—whether it be fine art black and white photography or graphic design—is an extension of my inner being. Seeking a career in my craft not only made sense, but it was simply something I had to do in order to remain happy and feel a sense of purpose.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
In our world today, everyone is essentially a photographer when you think about it. Literally everyone has a camera in their hand in the form of a smartphone. Setting myself apart is no easy task and requires more than simply using a professional camera and lenses. It requires a voice… it requires VISION. I like to say that you will not see the same things that you see in my photographs by visiting the same locations, you will only see those by either viewing my imagery or by visiting with me personally. I do not aim to produce representational photography or documentary photography, but rather my aim is to create a world that does not actually exist except from within my inner being. I create these worlds based on my inner vision and bring them to life through how I capture the photograph and then process the image in post production. I do not hide behind the fact that my imagery is heavily manipulated in post, much the same as a movie is heavily manipulated to tell a story.

It is this very fact that sets my work apart. The hard part, in the beginning, was putting my emotions out there for the world to place judgement on. All creatives are basically putting their souls out there to be judged… not an easy thing to do.

My brand is (mostly) square format photography and all in B&W. I do not create any color photographs at all. My brand is also very ‘graphic design’ in how my compositions are made as well as the technical precision in post production. This stems, of course, from my love of my other craft of graphic design.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Seeing how most of my close friends are photographers, I’d have to take them to the typical ‘photo spots’ around town such as the Ravenel Bridge, the City Market, and the north end of Folly for the Morris Island Light. Oddly, I’ve only produced one image of the Ravenel and it’s not even one I really promote. I prefer other hidden gems downtown in the alleys and side streets, so we’d spend a lot time walking those areas. Sure, there are great things out in the open such as the King and Queen intersection and the US Custom House, but then what about the underside of the bridge leading up to the Ravenel where I-26 merges into US17? That is a true gem to me because of how ‘graphic design’ it is. And along the beaches there are all kinds of lovely breakwater structures that we’d most certainly spend time working, as well as the dead trees all along the shores at Edisto and Hunting Island.

For ‘non-work’ entertainment, I’d imagine I would take them to a few touristy spots along Shem Creek. I know locals tend to give that area a lot of grief because of how touristy it can be, but you know what, it’s pretty darn nice along there honestly; good food and fun times. Downtown I would take them to Poogan’s Porch, Basic Kitchen and High Cotton for a good mix of venues. Charleston is such a foodie town that it would be impossible to name all the locations that I’m sure readers are suggesting right now in their minds. Haha.

Lastly, I hope they would visit during a time when there was a great concert happening at the revamped Credit One Stadium… that place is amazing now, and not a bad seat in the house! Speaking of Daniel Island, I’d have to take them along the riverfront there and explain what it looked like only a few short years ago; much different, that’s for sure.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
PPA (Professional Photographers of America)

Website: www.kevinhollidayphoto.com

Instagram: @kevinhollidayphoto

Image Credits

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.