We had the good fortune of connecting with Isabelle Zachariah and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Isabelle, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I feel so much joy seeing others happy and able to cherish special moments. I have always been eager to get behind the camera as my dad was always my inspiration, capturing our childhood memories in time capsules of printed images. Since I was younger I also always had a knack for modeling in front of the camera and bringing all of my sass to light, so it always intrigued me to be on the opposite side of the camera. The moment I could start my first photography course I knew I could grow a brand that encompasses my passion for photography and working with others. Bella’s Photography was started with the intent of sharing a message that everyone holds their own journey that can tell a unique story. I love being able to meet people of a variety of backgrounds and collaborate with other photographers and models to make art and explore my creative outlets. I am excited and eager to continue advancing my portfolio and skillset to work with different types of photography and expand this brand for years to come.

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Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Since I was introduced to photography at such a young age, I have had many years to grow and work on my techniques or branding. I am grateful for these opportunities while being in my Undergraduate education at the University of Chapel Hill. I will be graduating this August and applying to Physical Therapy programs in the fall to pursue a doctorate of Physical Therapy. While being in school, I have been able to do multiple graduation shoots, portraits, families and more, all while working as a caregiver and a Physical Therapy Technician at a local clinic. I have also co-founded the National Alliance on Mental Illness at UNC’s campus to advocate for mental health and build an inclusive community for students. I have been blessed with the ability to pursue various passions while also gaining knowledge through a college education. I view photography as a creative outlet from the rest of my busy schedule and I am extremely proud of how far I have come over the years in life and in my achievements. To do multiple things at the same time has not been an easy journey, but I have taken every experience as a learning experience to gain different perspectives and build resiliency. Whenever life has been overwhelming, I have actually utilized photography as a form of stress relief and self expression. I also practice self care and mindfulness since it is something we actively advocate for on campus as well. Something unique about my brand and my story is my perspective of the wholistic approach to life and maintaining good physical and emotional health. By taking care of yourself and prioritizing yourself people are able to see tremendous growth and success. My photography is fueled with the purpose of showcasing that self love and highlighting individual resiliency.

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Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
My favorite spots in the area to explore are the local parks in the triangle area of Raleigh, North Carolina and the various cuisines we have to indulge in. I love the North Carolina Botanical Gardens and downtown Raleigh for the night life of Umbrella Dry Bar. Maple View ice cream is a must to watch a sunset and eat ice cream or play games outdoors on a blanket. Additionally, Jordan Lake is great area for kayaking and another awesome picnic place with friends or walking on a trail. Southpoint mall in Durham is a fun location to walk around, watch a movie, or eat at the food court. Southern Village is also a family friendly place with ice cream shops, restaurants and occasionally outdoor movies or activities on the main lawn. There are a bunch of events that go on in this area seasonally like the NC state fair, the Chinese Lantern Festival, and just good scenic areas to explore that it has definitely been a beautiful place to live the past three years.

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The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My dad is by far the first person I would love to shoutout for introducing me to the field of photography and sparking my interest in the profession. Along with my mom, brother, dog (Spot), and boyfriend Haiden this support system has provided me with at-home models to work on different techniques and has always encouraged me to pursue my passions. Additionally, a friend connected me to Creatives of Carolina, which is an Instagram account that is open to a plethora of creative individuals, photographers and models. After attending a meetup with everyone I was able to gain a network to collaborate with which inspired me to try different styles of photography and modeling myself. Amy Osborne helped me do my first portraits which showed me that I had an ability to model that I never truly pursued, and after going to a Creatives of Carolina meet up I realized how many people there were to expand upon these skills with. I wouldn’t be where I am without those who have reached out for a photoshoot or to have me be a model for their photography pages, and I am so grateful for each opportunity that arises as I grow in the fields.

Website: https://bellazac14.wixsite.com/photography

Instagram: bella_photography14

Linkedin: Bella Zachariah

Facebook: bella_photography14

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Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.