We had the good fortune of connecting with Hollis Gallagher and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Hollis, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
As a new mom in the thick of the pandemic back in 2021, I found myself with a lot of downtime during my baby’s nap times. What started as a fun creative outlet to keep me busy soon turned into something bigger. At first, my goal was simply to make some extra money without sacrificing precious time with my newborn. But I’d always dreamed of being my own boss, and as my little passion project grew, I saw the potential to turn it into a lucrative income stream.

I took the leap and ran with it, pouring my energy into growing my business. These days, I’m lucky enough to be a have time with my kids during the day, while also pursuing my entrepreneurial aspirations. The thought of turning my passion project into a full-fledged endeavor came from a desire to be creative, call my own shots financially, and strike that perfect work-life balance as a mom / business owner.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
One thing I absolutely love about my stationery business is the collaborative spirit behind it. While my own illustrations are featured in my designs, I’ve also got the talents of some pretty amazing women in the mix – my mom, my aunt who’s like a second mom to me, and two other incredibly gifted female artists. Being able to work alongside these brilliant ladies and incorporate their art into my designs is such a joy.

And while I’ve always dreamt of having my own business, it’s been quite the winding road to get to where I am today professionally. For years, I bounced around creative roles like graphic design, copywriting, content marketing, project management, and production – you name it, I’ve probably done it! I used to be self-conscious about my lack of a linear career path, but now I see it as a strength. Those rich and varied experiences have made me more well-rounded, both personally and professionally, which is a huge asset when you’re a small business owner juggling a million different hats.

And let me tell you, I’ve learned some big lessons along the way. First off, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. What feels like a roadblock is actually happening FOR you, pushing you to grow and get better. Secondly, you’ve got to develop a thick skin (which hasn’t been easy for this sensitive soul!). Feedback isn’t criticism – it’s a chance to level up. And finally, overnight success is a myth. What you see on the social media is just the highlight reel – there’s a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears behind every entrepreneurial “overnight” success story.

At the end of the day, what I want the world to know is that Soirée All Day is all about celebrating the journey, not just the destination. It’s a brand built on collaboration, hard-won wisdom, and the belief that beautiful things take time and tenacity to bloom.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If my best friend was coming into Charleston for a week, I’d make sure they got the full Holy City experience. Here’s what where we’d go: 

• Shem Creek for fresh seafood and ice-cold beers with a waterfront view.

• Beachwalker on Kiawah Island for a chill beach day.

• King Street for shopping and historic charm.

• All of my culinary favorites: Sorelle for cozy Italian vibes, Chez Nous for French food in a beautiful courtyard, and either Leon’s or Bowen’s Island for the fresh oysters.

• Deepwater Vineyard on Wadmalaw for live tunes and a wine tasting. We’d also make a pit stop at HUM, the cutest old-timey grocery store.

• Johns Island (where I live): Minero for Mexican and margaritas, Low Tide Brewery for craft brews, and Two Cumberland – the cutest boutique that carries my stationery line!

• Savannah for a day to wander the historic district.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
When it comes to the success of my business, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to two incredibly supportive people in my life – my mom and my husband.

My mom has been my unwavering cheerleader from day one. Throughout my professional journey, she has always encouraged me to pursue paths that bring me genuine joy and fulfillment. Her enthusiasm and belief in me have been constant, even as I navigated various career changes early on (which were quite frequent, I’ll admit!). As an artist herself, she also contributes her artwork to my stationery designs. It’s such a special experience to work alongside her on something I’m so passionate about.

The other pivotal figure in my entrepreneurial journey is my husband. Being an entrepreneur himself, he has shown me firsthand what’s possible with hard work and determination. Over 15 years ago, he took the leap and started his own law practice as a new attorney. Through sheer grit and perseverance, he has grown it into a thriving business. Whenever self-doubt creeps in or I feel like throwing in the towel, he’s right there, reminding me that owning a business is a constant challenge, but also an incredibly rewarding one.

Their encouragement, love, and belief in me have been instrumental in propelling Soirée All Day forward. I’m forever grateful for their unwavering support and for inspiring me to chase my dreams fearlessly.

Website: https://www.soireeallday.co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soireeallday.co/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoireeAllDay.Co

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.